move savegames from online to offline profile #838

  • atesin_dj created this issue Aug 25, 2024

    Bug Map

    every campaign progression in mass recall

    Bug Description


    i started to play mass recall while logged in sc2 (open, login, launch sc2, switch alt-tab, then launch mass recall shortcut, as homepage suggests)... now i need to continue playing without being logged, but seems it has different progresses between online/offline status


    i am the only user of my notebook, i want to continue playing same progress without the need to log in everytime (and sometimes i travel and have no/unstable internet), maybe "move" savegames from online to offline account folder?


    anyway, what is the advantage of playing scmr logged in with account?... achievements, cloud sync saves or something?... thanks in advance

  • 628w posted a comment Aug 26, 2024
    1. The possibility of playing in login mode is presented as an alternative way of playing. You don't have to do it, the decision is up to you.
    2. I don't know if there are any advantages of playing in login mode. In my opinion, there are none, but I could be wrong.
    3. SCMR/ENSR game progress is saved in two files: SCMR.SC2Bank and ENS.SC2Bank. You can transfer them from your online profile to offline and continue playing without logging in.
    4. You can also delete both files in both profiles and start the game from the beginning.

    Edited Aug 26, 2024
  • atesin_dj posted a comment Aug 27, 2024

    hi @628w, thanks for your answer... after digging a bit, i have some additional info:


    - never heard the term "bank", i guess is an automatic campaign progress save file, unlike a gamesave that is a save at some explicit point

    - there are local storage folders for online accounts located at `<my_documents>\StarCraft II\Accounts\<some_numbers>\`, but there are easier shorcuts on `<my_documents>\StarCraft II\` named like "atesin_1234@1"

    - inside these local storages, the bank path is '<local_storage>\<more_numbers>\Banks\`

    - the banks for OFFLINE profile are located just at `<my_documents>\StarCraft II\Banks`, i copied bank files between accounts and worked

    - i guess SCMR is for starcraft mass recall and ENS is for enslavers redux




    thanks everybody

  • 628w posted a comment Aug 27, 2024

    Additional information.

    The “SCMR.SC2Bank” file contains not only the progress of the SCMR campaign, but also the options set in the launcher. These options are common to SCMR and to ENSR.
    The “ENS.SC2Bank” file contains the progress of the ENSR campaign.

    Edited Aug 27, 2024

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