[Campaign] Starcraft 2: Ambivalence
Current Status:
All maps have now been released and are now available on the Arcade. Make sure you are on the North American server.
This campaign is on the Arcade: battlenet:://starcraft/map/1/340832
How To Install:
- Unzip the zip files.
- Open your StarCraft II directory (default install: C:/Program Files(x86)/StarCraft II/)
- Open the Mods folder within your StarCraft II directory. If this folder doesn't exist, create one. Paste the Amb.SC2Mod file inside the Mods folder.
- Open the Maps folder within your StarCraft II directory. If this folder doesn't exist, create one.
- Inside the Maps folder, create a new folder with the name: Ambivalence. A misspelled folder will lead to the mission launcher breaking.
- Paste all .SC2Map files inside the Ambivalence folder.
- Run StarCraft II Editor and locate the Ambivalence Launcher.SC2Map by pressing [Ctrl + O].
- Once the launcher has loaded, press the green StarCraft II icon or [Ctrl + F9] to run the launcher.
- Enjoy!
Credits: Credits
Playthroughs for the campaign: Playthroughs
If you so wish, you can donate to me by clicking the donate button in the top right of the page. This is 100% optional.
- 01: The United Order - (Release)
- 02: Allies - (Release)
- 03: Shroud of Shadows - (Release)
- Cinematic - The Slums - (Release)
- 04: Test of Strength - (Release)
- 05: Enforcing Justice - (Release)
- 06: Khalai Cohort - (Release)
- 07: Broken Nation - (Release)
- Cinematic - A New Path (Release)
Just checked the first two missions, pretty enjoyable, good terrain and ok gameplay
*You wrote "templar" instead of "Templars" on mission 1
*Loved the custom UI and nerazim retextures on mission 2
*Dark Archons are a bit OP so early in a campaign imho
*Looking forward for the next mission, that sadly is delayed ...
*Good luck
Tanks, i wainting the odher missions, keep with great work
Thanks, I'm waiting for the other missions. Keep up the great work.
I will.
just a quick update
I just watched your video. It's fixed now. Thanks!
Wow amazing job converting all the structures/warp ins to nerazim faction. Awesome custom units too. Gameplay felt nice (was more interested in experimenting than winning, so more detail later). Story was coherent.
Is it intentional that you can clear the United orders main base without clearing the outpost?
I think you get a few too many minerals on brutal...
- Ya, I didn't really spell check this time around. I was more focused on the data editing on this map.
- Rohana did reconcile with idea of unity, but she still has the memories of Protoss before the Protoss were unified. Basically, those memories are conflicting with her thoughts now that she's around so many Nerazim.
- I can't really do anything about the stretch of the warp-in effect, that's just what the model does. I'll see what I can do.
Thanks for the feedback!
I play Allies.
I love the Nerazim faction you created.
Just two things:
- A Hellbat killed Jon in the final cinematic, he came out of nowhere.
- I have seen many dialogues about how the protoss speak. And when they refer to a Terran they say name and surname. And when relationship is more significant, they say friend "last name".
Thanks for the feedback, VastanX. I think I did make the Protoss speak more like Terran. I'll fix that. Thanks!
What's the new update?
Fixed a small thing with the middle cinematic. The cinematic could be played twice if the ESC key was hit at the right in the cinematic.
Just letting you know that I never hit Esc when I played the mission. Not sure if that effects anything or not.
No it doesn't. I found this bug while I was fixing the double warp prism problem. Thanks for letting me know though.
Up on the CCI and Team Liquid
Thanks Hockleberry!
Up on the CCI and Team Liquid
My last bit of feedback, I think
Well done on the map in general. A map that rewards you for having a balanced composition, micro is rewarded, well designed limitations on income, and an enemy that gets reinforcements during the final battle is always fun to fight.
Actually, stalkers are Nerazim. They are the Nerazim dragoon.
Still, thanks for creating videos and leaving me feedback without being rude. I appreciate it
Apologies, let me clarify my points.