SpineCrawler D!
Just like the old one. Enemies come from the top bottom left and right and all four corners. You spend your money on either more drones for crawlers or for units that do extra damage vs some of the waves! it's set up for 1 player testing and can be altered to play at one of the corners or for multiple people to play
Project Plans
- Adding more instructions to the beginning of the game.
- Original Map
- Added anti-wall ref
- Added building boundaries.
- Hopefully increasing the difficulty :)
- Finally added the siege ability to the siege tanks
- Increased wave health
- Greatly improved antiwall ref functionality
- Lowered spinecrawler damage
- Raised units damage and added damage bonuses to specific attributes of enemies
- Balanced enemy HP and shields
- balance changes to units
- Marines have stimpack, and an increased attack speed
- Ghosts have an increases attack speed -Stalkers have more damage and an increased attack speed
- Archons have increased range from 2 to 2.5
- Reduced marines attack speed and decreased damage
- Localized for EU (I hope it works I've never done it before but, hopefully the editor will do it automatically after the 11th patch comes out)
- Fixed the issue when playing with more that just yourself and all the units kept dieing.
(thanks to saguratus2 for posting these problems)
- Fixed an issue with marines being able to kill invincible units
- Fixed an issue with people being able to kill money
- Fixed the spawning pool dying from people killing the creep tumors that supply them
(Thanks to criss123 and EvilPiper94 for their feedback and input)
- Increased time before game starts and in between levels by 7 seconds
- Added a difficulty level only when playing solo
- Added a maximum DPS next to all buy-able units
- Added unit type, HP, SP, and armor stats to timer before each level
- Increased damage and speed to several units
- Banshee- increased speed from 1.6 to 1.25
- Siege tank (unsieged)- increased damage to 60 +40armor
- Roaches- Increased damage to 40 +35Mech and speed from 2 to 1.3
- Fixed a multiplayer issue, thanks to XiDa
- Fixed unit walling
- Fixed units walling again after patch 13
- Fixed issue with corner spawn movement direction
- Attempted a fix for the drone beacon crowding
- Fixed Drone bug
- Eliminated attack animation for spine crawlers to reduce game lag
- Added HP to high templar, ultralisk, and baneling waves (also removed light unit type from High Templar and armored unit type from banelings)
- Gave users an overseer to spawn their units instead of just spawning in the middle of their bases
- Buffed hydras with more range and faster attack speed
- Buffed roaches with much more attack speed
- Nerfed tanks range from 13 to 9 (should reduce their kill stealing ability)
- Nerfed Archons splash area
- Tanks no longer hurt themselves or any other units
- Added leaderboard for kills
- Nerfed tanks damage vs non-biological units kept biological unit damage the same
- Zerglings can't be blocked
- Fixed blocking with seiged tanks
- Added 20 seconds after game loss to determine who leaked
- Modified loss areas
- Fixed for game release
- Added lurker units
... I'm guessing because the map is already published that it won't let you publish it again. If you want to play you need to get a group of at least 3 players in order to win. Who knows maybe it will get beyond 1 play per hour sometime.
The map said it's not available when I trying to publish it, what should I do? :\
Alright, beat your map again on the new version :D
Siege tanks are better now, although I find that depending on the wave, I either siege or unsiege them, and just position the tanks on the center of every row in my maze, since I no longer need to worry about them blocking a maze, or shooting one another. I would still say that siege tanks are very very easy to use, and basically a player cant kill himself with poor placement as before. (High risk-reward strategies are always fun). However, siege tanks are much more balanced than before, and still do a fine job killing waves, even with the damage nerf, so the numbers you chose were great.
I'll continue to play the map and see what else I can find. Maybe its time to try some new strategies :)
OH no that's fine. The middle units only attack other players after they leave the game while players remain in the game the units won't attack you. The loss areas are a little smaller but they now will not trigger unless the right units gets into the endzones in the next version i may include building blockers in the spawn zones thanks for the ideas.
Thanks for update and implementing my suggestions. I think the loss areas are still too big. It might be smart idea to add creepblockers (at least I think that's the name of the thingy) over the loss areas so players realy can't build the maze over loss area (the teleporting area could be creepblocked as well). I've also noticed that for some reason stalkers on the isle in middle of map are shooting drones if they get too close to them.
I've also took the freedom of localizing this map for enGB and publishing it on EU battle.net. If you have issues with that, please tell me so I can withdraw the map.
@ h4rr0d Thanks for the suggestions i did make the end zones smaller and i thought in version 1.71 you could kill your own spines. anyway it's fixed in 1.8. as for the one player mode. It's a cooperative game and it's meant not to be able to play with only one person if you really want to you can by disabling certain parts of the spawn units trigger. look at the older posts for directions about how to do so.
@ Centagon Well why don't you tell me what you really think :) just kidding but you're right about the tanks i saw someone do this in a game yesterday and immediately fixed it but haven't published the map yet. I also nerfed tanks damage vs non-biological units to 55+25 instead of 70+10 so now they're not as powerful vs other rounds which will most definitely stop people from only using them. Added time after defeat because you're the 3rd person to tell me you wanted it. AFK zerglings can no longer block other zerglings. Thanks for the post it's nice to see people other than myself play the game even after they have beaten it :) if there's any more problems you have about the map be sure to comment
Hey Kjc, Ive been playing your map quite a lot and have beaten it many times on several versions. The latest version I've played, with the nerfed siege tank range is absolutely unbalanced. Siege tanks without friendly fire have become absolutely godlike, and a brainlessly easy, yet guarantees wins. Players can place their tanks basically anywhere and still do very well, but constructing a maze with the sieged tanks makes the map a joke.
Being a prominent siege tank user even before v1.7, I feel that where there used to be some strategy in placing siege tanks in well thought out positions that either didnt overlap or was certain to not be in the pathing of enemy targets, now you can really just put them anywhere without fear of detrimental effect. On top of that, you used to have to balance your numbers of siege tanks with spine crawlers and mutas, as they have diminishing returns once you get too many. Now there is basically no reason not to get more siege tanks, no matter how many you have. Players can even double their siege numbers by stacking them close together BEFORE they siege (and occupy a cell). This basically packs the density of the siege maze even tighter. I feel that the range nerf is welcomed, but the FF removal basically makes siege tanks flat out better than everything else. An easy way to try to balance it is to increase its cost, but I suggest looking for better alternatives.
Oh yea, I like the new minimap pings for where the leak occurred, but there still isnt enough delay before the map ends. Sometimes you miss it and you really wish you could know who to blame for the loss. Cruel, I know, but necessary. Increase the delay between showing the ping and ending the map or even broadcast the name of the player who lost.
One last thing, afk players can sometimes leave their lings in the center, blocking other people's lings. Perhaps a solution to this would be altering the ling's movement property to allow them to not obstruct each other.
Hey, I'm absolutely loving this map, and here are some suggestions: 1) Don't spawn units at locations where players are missing (impossible to play this alone atm) 2) Add a way how to kill your own spine crawlers (in case you missplace one etc) 3) Wouldn't mind having the finish zone bit smaller, just lost a game where mob reached the end zone even tho it was still in my maze and was about to go back.
Thanks so much for the help! Loving the map lots!
@ chaoslux if beating it is a main concern of yours I would invite players who know how to play to a party while in the game. It's not hard enough that players need a post "got owned?" consult after the game. If i ask some gamers opinions and they concur with your POV I'll give players the time otherwise just try again :)
@ Dreathean Huge pain in my backside that drone bug has been but to honestly say I've finally found the "unit type" condition (believe me i was as embarrassed as i should be for not finding it sooner) If the bottom lefts maze got the units stuck then it's the same as walling there's really nothing I can do about it he pretty much wins the game for getting the units stuck.
@ jmachol an error on my part for trying to fix the drone bug incorrectly. It's fixed in version 1.71 thanks for the post
@ TheDemigod when you're opening up the map in the editor press f6 after it has loaded to open the triggers screen. Find the folder on the left side of the screen called "Spawn badies" then open the trigger named spawn levels. Then shift click every action except the top and bottom ones, right click, and choose enabled. If all the ones you've selected have a red diamond on them you've done it correctly. Good luck!
@ henrythedog1 fixed. Sorry for the bug in the first place. My bad.
Please add a check that the unit that is entering the beacon is indeed a money unit there is an annoying glitch where the player in bottom middle has their spine crawler attack over the beacon causing it to register that a unit hit it causing that player to gain a lot of drones. This bug causes 1 lag 2 imbalances 3 annoyances.
How can I set this up for one player mode? So that I am only getting 1 wave from my side of the map?
Banshees can be used to get drones. I'm not sure if other flying units can do the same thing or not.
er, realized that blue didnt mean anything. he was in the bottomleft location =)
Please please please fix the issue where someone with mutalisks are able to kill the spine crawlers. My last game that I played like 2 mins ago we were going very well then someone decided to be an idiot and kill everyones sunkens = game over. Also, orange and red were bugged to where they'd be getting and insane amount of drones. After building a huge maze all around their area they were forced to fill all of the spawning points fully with their drones rofl. Every player's spawning points. Thats a lot of drones = bug. Also, no idea why, but when it was the round with the stalkers they attacked blue's stuff, and he wasnt walling. Was wierd, they ended up retreating to their spawning point so we had to send in our marines and stuff, but they killed that stuff to lmao. Someone else brought in mutas to kill them off though. Otherwise I really enjoy this game haha but gosh I hope this stuff gets fixed lol, pretty major. Thanks =D
Please implement a system where when a unit gets leaked and you die. Give us 15-30 seconds to actually discuss:
WTF HAPPENED Who Leaked? And Potentially understand why.
Right now its just "omg, a leaked unit just entered his end point EVERYTHING GO SPLAT GG - GO TO SCORE SCREEN"
@ dra6o0n The game won't end if the corners cross, but they will move to the wrong endpoint. The problem is fixed in version .61 Thanks for the post!
You DO know that you can exploit the looping trigger that orders the unit to go in a direction, by putting spine crawlers in a maze to force them to move back and forth? Only works for corner placements, but is very bad if units from the other side happens to "slide" into the wrong end and the game triggers because they are that type of unit...
We need newer ways to make them work, maybe make a reference attached to each unit when it is created, so it will only end the game if it reaches it's end point, not the side point.