SpineCrawler D!
Just like the old one. Enemies come from the top bottom left and right and all four corners. You spend your money on either more drones for crawlers or for units that do extra damage vs some of the waves! it's set up for 1 player testing and can be altered to play at one of the corners or for multiple people to play
Project Plans
- Adding more instructions to the beginning of the game.
- Original Map
- Added anti-wall ref
- Added building boundaries.
- Hopefully increasing the difficulty :)
- Finally added the siege ability to the siege tanks
- Increased wave health
- Greatly improved antiwall ref functionality
- Lowered spinecrawler damage
- Raised units damage and added damage bonuses to specific attributes of enemies
- Balanced enemy HP and shields
- balance changes to units
- Marines have stimpack, and an increased attack speed
- Ghosts have an increases attack speed -Stalkers have more damage and an increased attack speed
- Archons have increased range from 2 to 2.5
- Reduced marines attack speed and decreased damage
- Localized for EU (I hope it works I've never done it before but, hopefully the editor will do it automatically after the 11th patch comes out)
- Fixed the issue when playing with more that just yourself and all the units kept dieing.
(thanks to saguratus2 for posting these problems)
- Fixed an issue with marines being able to kill invincible units
- Fixed an issue with people being able to kill money
- Fixed the spawning pool dying from people killing the creep tumors that supply them
(Thanks to criss123 and EvilPiper94 for their feedback and input)
- Increased time before game starts and in between levels by 7 seconds
- Added a difficulty level only when playing solo
- Added a maximum DPS next to all buy-able units
- Added unit type, HP, SP, and armor stats to timer before each level
- Increased damage and speed to several units
- Banshee- increased speed from 1.6 to 1.25
- Siege tank (unsieged)- increased damage to 60 +40armor
- Roaches- Increased damage to 40 +35Mech and speed from 2 to 1.3
- Fixed a multiplayer issue, thanks to XiDa
- Fixed unit walling
- Fixed units walling again after patch 13
- Fixed issue with corner spawn movement direction
- Attempted a fix for the drone beacon crowding
- Fixed Drone bug
- Eliminated attack animation for spine crawlers to reduce game lag
- Added HP to high templar, ultralisk, and baneling waves (also removed light unit type from High Templar and armored unit type from banelings)
- Gave users an overseer to spawn their units instead of just spawning in the middle of their bases
- Buffed hydras with more range and faster attack speed
- Buffed roaches with much more attack speed
- Nerfed tanks range from 13 to 9 (should reduce their kill stealing ability)
- Nerfed Archons splash area
- Tanks no longer hurt themselves or any other units
- Added leaderboard for kills
- Nerfed tanks damage vs non-biological units kept biological unit damage the same
- Zerglings can't be blocked
- Fixed blocking with seiged tanks
- Added 20 seconds after game loss to determine who leaked
- Modified loss areas
- Fixed for game release
- Added lurker units
@ saguratus2 I'm aware you can block using units :( although if you do block the DT your units will die, I'm going to balance the damages enemy HP before I create custom units because it will take a while but still, thanks for reminding me. as for the invincible units on the map... i never thought units could kill invincible units because they were invincible but, i guess you can make weapons with the ability to attack invincible units... lol. It's fixed now along with the block detector the spawning pool (and the creep tumor that keeps the spawning pool alive :) ). The roaches will remain to have massive hp until i create custom units after the levels are balanced. The problem with the siege tanks isn't new I've been looking for a property to fix the issue for some time now and, so far, i can't find it. I'll continue to ask around but until then Use them Wisely. Thanks for the list and the replay, although it didn't work for some reason. I figured out the invincible unit thing on my own. Hope you enjoy the new versions of the maps as they come out.
Discovered multiple problems; here's a replay showing a few: http://www.sendspace.com/file/e6vlfn
1. You can block using units
2. You can kill the center units (including money)
3. You can kill the spawning pool
4. You can kill the block detector
5. Not all units attack, roaches have an excessive amount of health.
6. Siege kills your own units
@SirThinh There's no reason it shouldn't work with multiplayer I'll test it out tomorrow but there's no triggers saying give units to player 1 it's all triggering player stuff
@ultrakorne next versions will be compatible for the EU client. Thanks for the suggestion.
hope blizzard fix this next patch
okay i beat it once I found out you could shoot the tumers for more money- all I needed was seige tanks and SpineCrawlers.- as for the glitch I found out that the maruders, reapers, and the zealots fall for it- the staklers start shooting everything. the glitch will work everytime if you wall off right before the maruders arrive- but you will have to kill the 1 SpineCrawler you put in the way or the stalkers will kill you. just form a backwards L right before their spawn point then place a Crawler at a diagnal inwards in the time before the maruders spawn but after everything else. to beat it I just made everything zig zag across the screen while being hit from the tanks from the sides. Nice game- good work.
I know what glitch you mean i just can't fix it and like you said it doesn't work every time so I'm not too concerned. As for the marauders, try Archons they do 70 dmg with a large splash vs biological. Also if you get all crawlers they will die fairly fast too because they do extra damage vs armored units.
I managed to get pretty far but only because I discoverd a glitch that you can wall them off without them shooting and killing everything. then I acidently blocked part of the path I set up and they started killing everything. I still have trouble killing all of the maruders. maybe because im doing it by myself- idk. Ill save a screen shot and upload it once I figgure out how to repeat the glitch.
I noticed this myself and haven't figured a way to fix it i thought by making the units all collide with only structures it would help, but alas, it didn't. I've changed it so the DT is invisible to the players. Maybe that can discourage this sort of thing :). I don't think it will be too much of a problem when all the units are spawning compared to what it is right now but because people won't be able to retry every time they lose without getting a team of at least 3 people, regardless I'll try to find a solution.
The game was rather hard until I found out you can block units with marines or any other unit. Just had to leave them in big clumps in a tight pass so when DTs came it let them through but held ground and attacked when the enemy's came.
All in all good game but would be nice to see ups.
I diagonal down to the right corner and build up with the other 4. Marines w/ stims are also very effective for the first wave. I just finished nerfing them because they are more OP than i thought they would be with stimpack. I'll redo my unit check (they were the first triggers I made for the game back when I was still learning the editor) :) thanks for the feedback BTW I hope you enjoy the rest of the game after level 1 :P
Also, I'd suggest changing your unit selection trigger ... it doesn't work if you mass select and move units to beacons, nor if you deselect units after you issue the order.
I have no idea why you do all those checks in your trigger, just do a straight up owning player check - no need to check selection?
So I feel like a complete noob ... I cannot beat the first wave. How the hell do you make a maze off the bat with so few crawlers and the better sc2 pathing?
Have you killed all the creep tumors :) they give you money if you kill enough of them :):) makes some of the levels easier.
marauders are the easy ones to beat the scv's are a pain :) Also don't you think the game would be way too easy if you got 3 money every level? i think it would be post again and let me know how far you got in the game and I'll think about rebalancing some units.
Maruders have too much hp- also need 1-2 more money per lvl otherwise.