SpineCrawler D! V1.18B
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UploadedMay 13, 2010
Size306.23 KB
- Original Map
- Added anti-wall ref
- Added building boundaries.
- Hopefully increasing the difficulty :)
- Finally added the siege ability to the siege tanks
- Increased wave health
- Greatly improved antiwall ref functionality
- Lowered spinecrawler damage
- Raised units damage and added damage bonuses to specific attributes of enemies
- Balanced enemy HP and shields
- balance changes to units
- Marines have stimpack, and an increased attack speed
- Ghosts have an increases attack speed -Stalkers have more damage and an increased attack speed
- Archons have increased range from 2 to 2.5
- Reduced marines attack speed and decreased damage
- Localized for EU (I hope it works I've never done it before but, hopefully the editor will do it automatically after the 11th patch comes out)
- Fixed the issue when playing with more that just yourself and all the units kept dieing.
(thanks to saguratus2 for posting these problems)
- Fixed an issue with marines being able to kill invincible units
- Fixed an issue with people being able to kill money
- Fixed the spawning pool dying from people killing the creep tumors that supply them
(Thanks to criss123 and EvilPiper94 for their feedback and input)
- Increased time before game starts and in between levels by 7 seconds
- Added a difficulty level only when playing solo
- Added a maximum DPS next to all buy-able units
- Added unit type, HP, SP, and armor stats to timer before each level
- Increased damage and speed to several units
- Banshee- increased speed from 1.6 to 1.25
- Siege tank (unsieged)- increased damage to 60 +40armor
- Roaches- Increased damage to 40 +35Mech and speed from 2 to 1.3
- Fixed a multiplayer issue thanks to XiDa
Killing creep tumors gives extra money, I plan on leaving this to boost personal play and it won't be as OP when there are more players. You are able to block units with units and although I can't fix it right now it will be worked on as the balancing finishes. Your tanks will hurt your own units with splash damage although I thought it was a given that it would happen I'm posting it so people are aware.