Shadows of the Tal'Darim
Shadows of the Tal'Darim is a 3-part 1-10 player RPG for Starcraft 2.
Shadows of the Tal'darim 1.09 features:
- 15 Unique heros
- A hero save system that holds 5 heroes per player
- Content that adjusts difficulty based on how many players are present (Mobs and bosses have +100% life per player)
- Content that drops more loot when there are more players present.
- A Unique Stat-point spending system that allows you to customize your character, and re-spend these stat points freely at any time.
- A talent system that can unlock new abilities or improve existing abilities.
- Diablo style followers that get stronger as you get stronger, and level as you level.
- Over 240 pieces of gear including helms, shoulder, chest, bracer, gloves, boots, rings, shields, trinkets and relics!
- Drive 1 of 4 different types of vehicles!
- A waypoint system similar to Diablo.
- A PVP Arena where 4 or more players can have arena battles and compete for XP and Vespene!
- Released Dec 28, 2010. Updates every week.
Visit the Shadows of the Tal'Darim Forums
- Act I Level 1-25 content
The Protoss and the Tal'darim were fighting above restored Haven. Shortly after the Terran colonists sent up a battlecruiser from the surface, a sub-space Vortex opens up above the planet, engulfing several vessels. Trapped and stranded 85 years in the past, our heroes grow tired of waiting for reinforcements
The Tal'Darim have set up fortifications, while they gather enough materials to launch an assault on Aiur (and through their madness, destabilize time itself!)
- Act II Level 23-50 content
After nearly defeating the Destroyer, our heroes head South in pursuit. Chal'marr and his band of Templars have taken over a nearby Tal'darim outpost. This outpost will serve as a temporary sanctuary for Chal'marr's survivors while they investigate the Tal'darims recent expansion into the region.
- Act III Level 45-80 content.
Near the end of Act 2, one of the Destroyers Dark Archons had mysteriously appeared and stole a powerful crystal artifact that the Destroyer was excavating. The Destroyer was enraged. The Tal'darim Archon opened a time rift and escaped to the present.
With the timelines restored, our heroes return through the temporal vortex, but they pick up a Tal'darim warp trail that leads straight to Korhal! Chal'marr's survivors (on General Larrens Battlecruiser) follow the warp trail to an experimental research facility on Korhal, which is still mostly in ruins after the last Zerg attack.. The Ta'darim Archon (known as Nezzax the Consuming) is harnessing the powers of the crystal to amplify his ability to control human minds!
I've applied a couple hotfixes to address the Ultralisk
@astorsapolsky: Go
@astorsapolsky maybe try stacking Strength so your Ram, paralyzing acid spray, terrifying roar, and warbringer pull all hit harder. Ultralisk does excellent damage at level 80 (if properly geared/played), and it's also the best tank in the game right now.
You shouldn't be having any survivability problems on the Ultralisk, paralyzing acid spray has always restored 35% life, not to mention regenerative shell, which temporarily heals you when you take damage. You probably just need to shuffle your stat points around and get the improved ram talents.
edit: Ram doesnt deal much initial damage, it's the damage over time that adds up. At level 80 with 81 Strength it hits for 480 initially, and applies a stackable bleed effect that ticks for 215 every second for 14 seconds. It's working fine
edit: 11/10/2011: After playing a brand new level 1 Ultralisk, I'm starting to notice some scaling issues. I mean, 5 points in strength doubles autoattack damage, paralyzing acid spray, and multiplies rams periodic damage. I found myself dying on the Stone Zealot at level 4 because I didn't have enough haste, health, or enough armor. I didn't however, spec for mark of the Warbringer, but tried to go for the other defensive talents.
The Ultralisk is completely useless, especially compared to the Ghost: jack of all trades, master of all. The Ultra dies way too fast, does little damage, and Ram's lack of scaling cost means he drains all his health early for said little damage.
I don't mean to be negative, but I just spent a whole hour waiting for it to get interesting.
I have to say, though, the map/layout/UI and technical details are impressive.
@Sharicasmi: Go
okay, thanks for the help
yea you need to update your sc2 client to 1.4.1 in order to read the map. It uses 'handle of player' to get the second backup bank name, so it won't work for sc2 clients before 1.4.
when i try to start up the map in the editor it says the archive is corrupted, do i need latest updates to run it or something else?
coming soon - tooltip update for all inventory based items, in preparation for new items to be implemented over october!.
marine just received a +50% increased damage dealt buff on us bnet servers. Still wasn't quite 'good dps' for act 3.
yes it can
I just played the medic through act 2 (with 2 others) and I gotta say I'm really pleased with how this class turned out. The only thing I'm unsure about is the 2 new hero's both having 'cloak.' This is essentially supposed to drop your aggro when you think you're about to die. I just think there's a better way to do it, some sort of 'feign death' or 'shadowmeld'. Better yet, something that will work on bosses with stealth detection like Stone Zealot, or the Destroyer.
I've been meaning for quite some time to create a 'minerals to vespene' exchange and a 'vespene to minerals' exchange, but more important issues came up that I needed to fix at the time.
I'm about to apply a fix for the marine mercenary. If the marine mercenary seems balanced in act 3, I'll upload the new files to the site
the medic and the marine commando heros are now live on US bnet servers! I'll be on to test them tonight!
the problem with the medic was with the 'use spider mines' ability. Something about it inexplicably causes the hero to not gain any xp. This ability will be replaced with something cooler.
I've found a way to fix the medic hero, and I'm working on a new marine hero. That's right, a new hero. Some abilities or upgrades might not be fully fleshed out at first, but I will test them as well as I can in single player mode before publishing.
Marine commando abilities (confirmed abilities)
Possible abilities (not sure about yet)
This class is in need of 3 upgrades. 4 if im not able to include hardened shell with this hero.
The medic however will be given an awesome dps boost, since im changing her weapon over to a chemical weapon that applies irradiate to enemy targets instantly. This way you'll focus more on throwing irradiate on your minions, mercenaries and allies.
an experimental second backup bank is undergoing testing, using the 'handle of player' to get the name of the bank. Advanced loading tools for acts 2 and 3 are completed and viewable on US
Now i just have to fix these interface issues :/
I'm working to use 'handle of player' in the save system.
for some reason, people expect their tooltips to change when they spend points on a stat(behavior) that increases their damage by a flat amount. Hundreds of people have ragequit an act 1 for this reason, saying;
- I do too, and this only works for upgrades i've found out.
The bottom line is, we can't change a units tooltips based on how many stacks of a behavior that unit has.
I'll be working on removing unused quest items in act 2 and 3. All act 1 quest items should disappear from your inventory some time after you receive your 'templars talisman' in Act 2. All Act 2 quest items should disappear from your inventory as soon as you defeat the last boss. You will be given a 'head of the destroyer.' There will also be checkpoints, that ensure that all players have a teleporter beacon at all times.
The stat points menu is in the command card to prevent players from spending a talent point when they're in a vehicle. This was done about 8 months ago so i don't know whose version of my map you were playing.