Shadows of the Tal'darim RPG Act 3 0.97a enGB
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- Build 0.97a Release Acts 1 2 & 3 (30/11/2011)
- Waypoints have been added to acts 1, 2 and 3. Waypoints are accessable similar to how town portals are, you right click the white shiny waypoint to access the waypoint network. Some waypoints are simply telepads that you walk on top of. Waypoints are typically not active until discovered. (30/11/2011)
- Alert Data (notifications after picking an talent or hiring a merc) has been deactivated so players can use space for jump without the screen bouncing around.
- Fixed the tooltip and icon of several gloves: Basic Wanderer's Gloves, Heavy Wanderer's Gloves, Basic Aluminum-copper gloves, Heavy Aluminum-Titanium Gloves
- Purchasing a Heavy Helm of Vengeance from Grel'gash was actually giving players a Juggernauts Talisman. This has been fixed.
- Archon - Meteor damage scaling increased 10x, it's cooldown has been doubled to 2min
- Ghost - Auto turret is no longer a pathway blocker
- Ghost - Auto turrets no longer have a chance to glitch and become un-exitable once you load your hero inside.
- Town Rift - No longer conforms to 'no fly zones' or other pathway blockers
- Town Rift - Is no longer a pathway blocker
- Spectre - Chemical Missile now has a 90sec cooldown, up from 60sec
- (Act 2) - The second boss in the Ominous Temple (Fire Demon) should no longer start at half or less health on multiplayer modes.
- (Act 3) - Al'rek's version of the Act 3 quest line has been fixed. He used to send you to the cave up north, to fight the mutant scantipede boss (which DOES NOT give you a yellow card.) He now sends you to the Refinery through the cave up north (which DOES award a yellow card).
- Build 0.97 Release Acts 1 2 & 3 (27/11/2011)
- (Act 1) the Omegalisk Boss in the Eastern Wastes can once again breathe fire, occasionally annihilating anything stupid enough to be caught in front of it! Beware! (27/11/2011)
- Minor interface adjustments, the damage meter button and the stats buttons have been adjusted to provide optimum usage of the ui for both widescreen and standard resolutions. (27/11/2011)
- Some items were accidently not flagged 'unselectable.' (27/11/2011)
- Ultralisk Hero tooltip in act 1 has been fixed. (27/11/2011)
- Act 1 & 2 units have had their push/pull physics recalibrated. (27/11/2011)
- Fixed a bug with town portals, where town portals would sometimes send the user to a black corner in the bottom left of the map. If a bugged town portal is used, it should now destroy the bugged town portal instead of sending your hero to the middle of nowhere. (27/11/2011)
- Ghost - Mark of the Champion +shield regen increased to 12 (from 3.) (27/11/2011)
- (Act 3) Terrain, Lighting and Foliage data updated! (27/11/2011)
- (Act 2) Terrain and Foliage data updated! (23/11/2011)
- Players can now press space to jump! Each hero has their own jump animation! (22/11/2011)
- lesser/greater/major Potions now break down into smaller potions when used! (in addition to their original effects)
- The inventory bag has been split into an Inventory bag and a Quest Item bag. I apologize in advance to players who have lost a bag full of stuff. Your gear should remain intact.
- Tooltips and unit Portrait updates
- (Act 1) Minor terrain updates
- 7 new rings implemented in act 3
- New vendors have been placed in act 1 and 3.
- Existing vendors have had their loot updated
- (Act 3) players heros should now 'hold position immediatly after going through the teleporter to the north.
- (Act 3) Dropship should now be properly followable by the camera in lock camera mode
- (Act 3) Dropship climb/descend with shift/ctrl should work
- Build 0.96d Release Acts 1 2 & 3 (8/11/2011)
- Lifestealing has been made a 'temporary' debuff with neutral alignment. This may or may not fix the issues that occur if you have lifestealing and decide to respend your stat pts.
- (Dark Templar) Focus Aura effects occur instantly, instead of 3-4 seconds after executing focus aura. (1/11/2011)
- (Roach) Damage Aura no longer lasts 3 minutes after hitting it once. (1/11/2011)
- (Roach) Damage Aura rank 2 should now increase your damage dealt by 15% in addition to its original effects.
- (Roach) Charge now inflicts heavy damage to its primary target (1/11/2011)
- (Roach) 50% increased damage from all abilities and autoattacks (1/11/2011)
- (Roach) 96% increased +damage and scaling of Talon Strike v(1/11/2011)
- (Ghost) 116% increased damage scaling to AP round (after upgrades) (1/11/2011)
- A requirements conflict was causing the roach to be unable to buy the infused swiftness talent.
- Sometimes heros load with 0 xp and start at level 1. In the event of a bank loading issues like this, it will restore you to closest to level it can, level 20/30/40/50/60/70/80, potentially skipping you ahead up to 9 levels.
- If a hero has more stat points than what they should for their level, they will immediatly have to re-spend their talent points upon hero loading.
- (Act 1) All bosses and mobs have had their death animations analyzed. New death animations have been added, and broken ones have been fixed.
- (Act 2) Upon patching to 1.4.2, the first quest after that opening cinematic was broken. The opening quest has been patched accordingly, and should work again. 08/11/2011
- (Act 2) Fixed an issue where being hit by a phased zealots merciless strike would cause your lifestealing to KILL you insead of healing you! Whoops! (1/11/2011)
- (Act 2 & 3) You can now exchange 20 minerals for 100 vespene or 100 vespene for 20 minerals at the mercenary vendor!
- (Act 3) "Energy Balls' now occur in the last 2 rooms before the last boss. They used to be these void rays that spawn during the Nezzax fight, now they've had their actor properties remodeled. Some will hit mercilessly hard. (07/11/2011)
- (Act 3) Numerous mobs/bosses were not displaying a unique target portrait. (07/11/2011)
- (Act 3) Fixed an issue where the experience bar and counter were off by 500 xp after level 52. (07/11/2011)
- (Act 3) Fixed an issue where players were awarded 1 less stat point than what they deserved (herolevel + 1 stat points) (07/11/2011)
- (Act 3) Minor Terrain Updates (03/11/2011)
- (Act 3) Diamondback Wing Commander boss was not properly awarding a blue key card! This has been fixed! (03/11/2011)
- (Act 3) Commander Darren Sheppards Ultra Viking no longer shoots white balls!
- (Act 3) When Grel'gash escapes and becomes a boss, he should no longer spawn in multiple copies.
- (Act 3) Chal'marr more clearly takes off for Shakuras at the beginning, leaving our heros with Zen'yth, Al'rek, Grel'gash and the merchants at their temporary outpost.
- (Act 3) Nezzax the Consuming fight was bugged (on 5player mode only), since he had a reported -486,000 health.
- (Act 3) Quest text will now be broadcast to all players when someone picks up a quest, instead of just the player who picked up the quest
- Build 0.96c Release Acts 1 2 & 3 (20/10/2011) General quality of life improvement patch
- New spell animations for Rejuvinate, Greater Heal and Chain Heal
- All single-player mode cheats have been disabled
- Zerg Egg - Spine Crawler was costing money to dispose of at the vendor. This item binds on pickup and you may no longer sell this item either.
- When a player returns to an area through a Town Rift, the minimap will be set to the zone that the town rift is in, instead of setting your minimap to the entire map.
- Town Rifts now last 5 minutes up from 2 minutes.
- (Acts 1 & 2) Ending a cinematic (by skipping or playing it through) now sets your minimap to whatever zone you're currently in, instead of always setting your minimap to the first zone in that act.
- (Acts 2 & 3) For debugging purposes, players can now reload their bank files manually through the load menu!
- (Act 2 & 3) Zen'yth is now immovable, invulnurable, and is no longer named 'phased stalker.'
- (Act 2 & 3) Debug messages will be used more frequently, when your bags or your resources get updated.
- (Act 2) The cinematic that you see after you first reach town is now fully skippable!
- (Act 2) High Templar Al'rak now drops loot when defeated! He'll drop some act 2 boots or a Greater Relic of Wisdom.
- (Act 2) Dark-touched immortal now has a proper loot table, isn't just a 'chance' to get a drop anymore. It drops Greater Juggernauts figurine and Greater talisman of Dexterity.
- (Act 2) Fixed an issue where killing the warreaver would not put warreavers head in your inventory if you haven't done Zen'yths quest yet.
- (Act 2) Dropships weren't climbing or dropping when you press shift/ctrl. now they should.
- (Act 2) A few quest pings were added for 'kill the ursodak bull' quest and the 'purge the ominous temple' quest.
- (Act 2) Minor tooltips update
- (Act 2) After zoning into act 2, and talking to the Chal'marr, he sends you to Zen'yth for the first quest. He then tells you to go find his Dark Templar agent in the north. This quest wasn't firing in 0.96b and 0.96a.
- (Act 2) Killing the Black Reaver before completing any quests should no longer prevent the beginning quests from being done.
- (Act 2) After killing the Black Reaver, and returning with the Black Reavers head, you are asked to check the merchants inside the nexus. This quest wasn't firing breifly in 0.96c.
- (Act 2) Most of the quest pings have been changed to 'ping simple' to improve visibility
- Marauder should no longer be able to harm friendly/neutral questgivers with seeker missile
- (Act 2) The Dark Templar NPC at the start of act 2 should no longer be killable until he starts his escourt quest.
- (Act 1) Several monsters and npc's did not have a proper target portrait.
- Build 0.96b Release Acts 1 2 & 3. (09/10/2011) Even more bugfixes and tooltip updates
- Ultralisk damage has been increased by 10%
- Ultralisk's autoattacks now generate 5 shields and life, which scales with your heros level.
- Fixed an issue with the ram upgrade reducing the damage dealt by Ram instead of increasing it's damage.
- Hardened Shield was not working with Stimpack breifly.
- Marauder had a cargo size of 2, and was not able to ride the leviathan, vulture, or the sentry vehicles.
- Stimpack wasn't working, for some reason the effect field was blank.
- Tooltips for the Chest/Shoulder/Head slot items have all been evaluated and updated to proper format & color coding. +Armor is always white, +Life/Shields is always white, +Damage is always light red/pink, Haste and +Shield Regen is always yellow
- Minor tooltips update on a few abilities.
- Marine Commando - Cloak has been replaced with Stimpack!
- Marine Commando can now benefit from the Improved Stimpack Upgrade!
- Roach can now benefit from the Infused Swiftness talent
- Quest tracking items Tracker Beacon, Broken Scanner, Tal'Darim Relic can no longer be removed from your inventory. They will be automatically removed from your inventory when you do that first quest in Act 2.
- Spectre - Experimental Plasma Gun - Range reduced by 1
- Marine Commando - Reforged Ranged Weapons upgrade now increases the targeting range of your Penetrator round.
- (Act 1) Hybrid Reaver no longer shoots white balls. He now shoots balls of slime instead!
- (Act 1) Hybrid Kronnis now takes 50% less damage and DEALS 50% more damage! Beware!
- (Act 1) Due to how the regions line up, some issues were identified, and the zone by the Stone Zealot has been shortened.
- (Act 1) More work has been done on the quest cinematics. Each cinematic is about 8 triggers instead of 6, which should perform better and skip better in 4player and 5player mode.
- (Act 1) Removed an unused command panel that was preventing players from right-clicking by the bottom of the screen.
- (Act 2) When multiple players left a game, it would sometimes reduce the health of several bosses significantly more than what was intended.
- (Act 3) Bosses had so much health in multiplayer modes, that they couldn't be set by upgrades, and I had to switch to setting them with triggers. On single player mode, bosses will have between 58,000 and 100,000 health. On 5 player mode, bosses will typically have between 290,000 and 500,000 health
- Build 0.96a Release acts 1 2 & 3. (02/10/2011) Mostly bugfixes and tooltip updates
- The marine Commando's base damage has been reduced by 25%
- The Marine Commando's damage scaling has been increased by 70%
- second relic slot is opened and the trinket slots have been closed
- Archon - Plasma Blast should no longer be able to strike neutral questgivers.
- Ghost - AP Round should no longer be able to strike neutral questgivers.
- Roach - Talon Strike should no longer be able to strike neutral questgivers.
- High Templar - Feedback will no longer strike neutral questgivers when you smartclick them
- Dark Templar - Merciless Strike will no longer strike neutral questgivers when you smartclick them
- Ghost - snipe will no longer strike neutral questgivers or your mercenaries when you smartclick them
- Roach - Acid Spit will no longer strike neutral questgivers when you smartclick them
- Marine Commando - Slow should no longer disable the targets attacks.
- Archon - Domination hotkey changed to 'T'
- Ultralisk ability 'terrifying roar' (an aoe fear) now has its proper tooltip
- (Act 1) fixed a rare bug where all players minimap would sometimes shift to the western zone when a neutral vehicle approaches the terran scientists building
- (Act 1) the Stalkers by the Stone Zealot boss now have their proper death animations/sound
- (Act 2) a few bosses weren't properly scaling with the amount of players present
- Build 0.96 Release acts 1 2 & 3. (26/09/2011)
- Archon - The tooltip for Divert Shield Energy will now update whenever you upgrade your healing talent
- Archon - The tooltip for Chain Heal will update whenever you upgrade your healing talent
- NEW heros - the Marine Commando and the Medic (2.0)
- Build 0.95c Release acts 1 2 & 3. (20/09/2011) More bugfixes
- An experimental second backup bank is undergoing testing, using the 'handle of player' to get the name of the bank.
- Advanced loading tools for acts 2 and 3 are completed.
- Increased the damage scaling of Archon's 'plasma bolt.' The Archon will be more able to keep up to other classes on single target fights between levels 20-80.
- Increased damage scaling of Archon's 'Plasma Charge'.
- (High Templar) Vortex will no longer cause enemies to become temporarily invincible, or unattackable in any way.
- Build 0.95b Release acts 1 2 & 3. (19/09/2011) Bugfixes and performance improvements.
- Fixed a graphics glitch in all acts where the critical strike and intelligence buttons weren't lighting up when you gained a level or a when stat point becomes available.
- When you upgrade an ability, it's tooltip should now update as well. So if you buy a talent that say, doubles base damage of your nuke, the damage increase will reflect in the tooltip. (Damage increases from Intelligence/agility/strength are still not shown in the tooltip however)
- Added far clip to increase performance for everyone.
- Fixed some minor camera issues in both camera modes. Camera is no longer zoomed way out after you res.
- Players who do not have a teleporter beacon will receive one for free on their next visit to town
- Fixed a bug with the rank 1 'reforge ranged weapons' upgrade for the ghost, causing Nuclear Strike to have a range of 1. Whoops!
- Fixed a bug where Domination could mind control any boss. Domination can no longer be used to control other heros, bosses, machines or vehicles.
- Rank 2 'Reforge Ranged Weapons' should no longer drop Feedbacks autocast range down to 1.
- (Act 1) You get 3 pings after picking up the Stone Zealot quest and players have/had no idea which one to persue. To avoid confusing new players, there are now only 2 pings after picking up the Stone Zealot quest. And they are NUMBERED so you know to go SOUTH not EAST.
- (Act 1) Tessalisks, zerglings, and Bog Giants health were not scaling in health for each player present.
- (Act 2) All act 1 quest items should disappear from your inventory some time after you receive your 'templars talisman' in Act 2
- (Act 2) Head of the Destroyer also counts as a Tal'darim beacon, allowing you to use your teleporter beacon in act 2.
- (Act 3) All act 2 quest items should disappear from your inventory shortly after you zone into act 3.
- (Act 3) fixed an annoying bug where the camera would flicker and the minimap would move to the wrong zone when you zone into the last bosses floor.
- (Act 3) Tal'darim beacon is no longer required to use your Teleporter Beacon in act 3.
- Build 0.95a Release acts 1 2 and 3. (15/09/2011)
- (Act 1) Numerous quest items will be automatically removed from your inventory when they are no longer needed
- (Act 1) Fixed an issue with a quest that was not removing the Terran Commander Disguise from your inventory.
- (Act 2) I've split up act 2 victory triggers into 4 parts, which should improve loading into act 3
- (Act 2) the broken scanner cashin is fixed.
- (Act 2 & 3) Fixed some camera issues that occurred when flying a dropship in third person (lock camera) mode.
- (Act 3) The Load hero triggers are now 50% faster when loading heros level 51+. It no longer adds up the experience required for each level 1 to 50 when calculating your experience. This has also greatly increased the reliability of loading heros above level 50.
- (Act 3) I'v fixed the hydralisk mercenary, trying to hire one when you already have one should no longer eat your money.
- (Act 3) science vessel is now attackable as a ground unit.
- (Act 3) trying to hire a marine/firebat mob when you already have one no longer eats your money.
- (Act 3) hero saving after defeating the end boss should save more reliably, this trigger is now split into 3 triggers.
- (Act 3) Some terrain issues were causing users on high/extreme detail settings to see a black square block covering the terrain in 2 of the rooms close to the end. (one in a boss room, one in the entrance to the last dungeon.)
- (Act 3) Terrain is finished.
- Build 0.95 Release Acts I and II. Act 3 beta 28/08/2011
- Vendors have more items for sale
- 7 new rings, with avoidance, shield regen, life regen, or energy regen!
- Ancient braces now cost significantly more
- Reduced the cost and sale price of the imbued medium/heavy/plate helms.
- Several items didn't have their actor data, and did not display their proper tooltip unless the item's in your inventory. Some of these items were basic boots, heavy boots, basic gloves, heavy gloves. Some of these items would appear as white balls because I forgot to copy/paste their actor data from my source map.
- Fixed the tooltip for 'Agility,' Greater talisman of Dexterity/wisdom/juggernaut, Wavecrest talisman of wisdom, deadly talisman of dexterity, Mighty Juggernauts talisman, Ancient Braces and Superior Ancient Braces.
- Fixed an bug where some items (when bought from a vendor) would not appear in your bags. Instead it would be placed next to the vendor/shop.
- Build 0.95 Release Acts I and II. Act 3 beta 13/08/2011
- all act 1-3 unit/behavior/ability/weapon data has been sychronized.
- Inventory now works differently. You get an Equipment dialog & 1 bag, instead of just 2 bags. You now have to equip gear that you find.
- New boots, gloves, and rings.
- New vendors, and purchasable items.
- Vendor prices have been adjusted.
- Build 0.94b Release Acts I and II. Act 3 beta
- (Ultralisk) Mark of the Warbringer now provides 15% haste on all party members while active, instead of 15% lifestealing.
- (Act I) Bog giants should now repop 20 minutes after being killed.
- (Act I) Killing Spree should have its own graphic animation in act 1.
- (Act III) The quality of the loot dropped by the first 2 bosses has been reduced
- (Act III) Bonus boss drops should occur more often. Bonus drops no longer include the old act 2 items.
- (Act III) A Teleporter opens up to the north when you get the yellow and red access cards.
- (Act III) Toxin Soldiers Chemical Spray weapon animation now properly shoots a green chemical spray!
- (Act III) Commander Darren Sheppards attack missiles should now have a proper animation.
- (Act III) Grel'gash the Summoner now has his proper model.
- (Act III) All bosses have had their death animations fixed.
- (Act III) The Misc slot items from act 3 have had their drop rate increased significantly.
- (Act III) Bank loading improvements.
- (Act III) More minor terrain updates.
- Build 0.94a Release Act I. Act 3 beta. (14/07/2011)
- (Act I) Bog Giants now roam the starting swamps south of the Terran base. The model only takes up 700 kb, so the unit has 700 hp/player deals 70% of the damage that an infested terran would.
- (Act I) Some rank5 and rank6 talents are no longer available till act 2
- (Act I) Rank 3 Infested Terrans no longer available till act 2.
- (Act I) More work is being done on the skip cinematics feature.
- (Act I) Frost Nova should now cost 9 energy + 2% energy, instead of just 22 energy.
- (Act III) New Boss: You finally get to kill Grel'gash the Merchant, when he escapes and becomes Grel'gash the Summoner.
- (Act III) Greatly improved the last boss fight. Nezzax the Consuming should always give 12 seconds warning before he wipes out everything in the room with an energy nova! His energy nova should no longer annihilate town rifts.
- (Act III) Minor terrain and Pathing update.
- Build 0.94 Release Act I and II. Act II beta. 04/07/2011
- Life Armor, Shield Armor, and Weapon icons have returned. You can now see your total +damage by hovering over your weapon icon.
- Behavior Bar (Buffs bar) has returned, and is now viewable on the top left of the screen.
- (Act II) Some broken quest markers were removed.
- (Act II) Objective Text has been fixed. It's mouse-over tooltip descriptions should be easier to read.
- (Act II) Act II should no longer remove your Teleporter Beacon from your Inventory upon loading in.
- (Act II) There is (and always has been) a base defense event that was not triggering properly. Should be fixed.
- (Act II) Ursodak Bull quests quest objective should no longer persist after the quest has been cashed in/completed.
- (Act II) There is a new merchant in the Nexus.
- (Act II) Mines and Spine crawler eggs have had their buy/sell prices set to the same as act 1 and 3. Whoops!
- (Act III) the first 3 quests should no longer have buggy quest breifings.
- (Act III) Bosses HP has been adjusted and should now have proper scaling based on the amount of players present.
- (Act III) You can now face commander Darren Shepperd in the containment compound. killing him will unlock the last boss
-Build 0.93c Release Act I and II.
- (Act I) work is being done on adding 3 bonus rooms/areas (so Act I can potentially go up to level 33 in the future)
- (Act I) New Teleporter by the Protoss and Zerg starting points, that link will finish bridging the terran/zerg/protoss starting points.
- (Act I) Minor experience gain increase between levels 22-25. You'll still get 1-2 experience for killing things 15 levels lower than you.
- (Act I) Hybrid Kronnis and Hybrid Destroyer didn't feel like they had enough health. Particularly on single player mode. Their health was buffed by about 6-7000.
- (Act II) Experience gain increase in the level 40-50 bracket
- (Act II) More trash drops.
-Build 0.93b Release Act I and II. Act II beta. 28/06/2011
- All Healing effects now scale with Hero Level, Intelligence, and Critical Strike.
- Critical heals cause you to gain additional life and shields EQUAL to the amount of the triggering heal. Cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds (reducable by haste).
- Critical Strikes combat text is now twice the size of non critical strikes.
- Intelligence now increases your healing received
- Mines and Spine crawlers now scale with your hero level (but their cost has been increased)
- All summonable devices and minions now scale with the creators hero level!. Infested terrans gain agility equal to their creators hero level. This will increase their damage.
- Kill field Generator, holographic Turret, and Distruption Field Generator now gain strength AND agility equal to their creators hero level.
- (Act I) Fixed an annoying bug that would cause the camera to jump.
- (Act I) A few quest objectives were not properly updating
- (Act I) More trash drops (+0.5% chance per player/per mob killed)
- (Act I) Increased experience gained from killing higher level mobs
- (Act I) Tessalisk, Tessalisk Motherlord, and Protoss Reavers no longer have a gigantic hit box. This was thoroughly annoying.
- (Act I) Terran Commander Disguise no longer makes you untargetable to enemy attacks.
- (Act II) The Pylons in the Fire Lord encounter now have health that scale with the amount of players present.
- (Act II) The entrance to nexus was moved recently, and should no longer be blocked off! Whoops!
- (Act III) Firebat Elite and Marine Elite mercenaries are now available!.
- (Act III) Nezzax the Consuming should no longer be invincible.
- (Act III) Fixed a minor issue with the mana bar not displaying proper mana.
- (Act III) Town Portals should no longer be broken in act III.
- (Act III) Securicon Defense System fight has been adjusted
- (Act III) You can now see the floor (and AOE markers) in the Computer Core fight.
- (Act III) Nezzax the Consuming (the last boss) should now deal significantly more damage
-Build 0.93a Release Act I and II. Act II beta. (18/06/2011)
- Agility, Strength and Intelligence tooltips in the stats menu should now report how much +damage and damage % increased per point. Players had no idea that agility/intelligence/strength actually increased their damage done :/
- Roach should no longer be able to attack while burrowed.
- Tooltip bugfixes through all acts
- (Act II and III) Ghost - Mark of the Champions graphic has been changed and should no longer increase the targets hit box.
- (Act III) Superior Ancient Bracers now have a chance to drop off various bosses in act III.
- (Act III) New Elite Firebat and Elite Marine mercenaries available!.
- (Act III) The scaling of Lifestealing on the Phased Zealot mercenary has been reduced by half,
- (Act III) The Hydralisk Elite mercenary gains a lifestealing buff.
- (Act III) the Hydralisk mercenary was not receiving level up benefits when it's owner gained a level. This has been fixed :)
- (Act III) Items have been finished and their tooltips should properly display by hovering mouse over.
- (Act III) Infested Terrans now scale with the creators hero level
- (Act III) Spectre - Distruption Field Generator and Holographic Auto Turret now scale with the creating hero's hero level.
- (Act III) Minor Terrain Changes
- (Act III) Several bossfights have been changed
- (Act III) Yellow and Blue Access card now have an icon and tooltip! (Blue access card does nothing atm)
- (Act III) The Roaming Ultra-Viking now has a loot table
- (Act III) Siege Tanks, Chemical Soldiers, Patrollers and Shadow Agent mobs should now be unselectable (whoops)
- (Act III) Experience gained from killing higher level (65+) mobs increased.
- (Act III) Working on new misc slot items (talisman of wisdom/dexterity etc.
- (Act III) Several items had their buy/sell prices adjusted, Chrono Rifts are now 400 vespene.
-Build 0.93 Release Act I, and II. act III beta. (16/06/2011)
- Ultralisk can no longer pick Lifestealing, it was bugged with Hardened Shell.
- Roach can no longer pick Lifestealing. It was bugged with Empowered Synergy.
- Empowered Synergy is now a 55sec cooldown, up from 30 seconds.
- Telekinesis is now a 45 second cooldown but can now stun all major bosses.
- Fixed an issue where the 'attack' button would sometimes disappear in multiplayer for unlock mode users.
- (Act I) Auto Turrets should no longer be 'unselectable'
- (Act I) Additional Tips have been implemented, to compensate for the lack of awareness/intelligence of the average US BNET player.
- (Act I) New heroes now start out with a mission that instructs them to meet up at the terran base in the center.
- (Act I) The acquire range for the Terran Scientists 'destroy the Distruption Field Generator' mission has been quadrupled. Players still have no idea that a giant "!" means 'quest here! come here!'
- (Act I) Fixed an issue where the Tessalisk Motherlord Quest would fire when there was nobody around.
- (Act I) Quest objectives should update more often. If you're unsure what part of the quest chain you're on, just speak to Chal'marr.
- (Act I) New secondary objective, 'Kill the Tessalisk Motherlord" fired off by the terrans in the Lurking Swamps.
- (Act I) There are more shops around. Each terran site/base has an old armory which is a version of 'the armory' that does not sell spine crawlers.
- (Act II) Fixed an issue that was causing the Sentry vehicle to be Unselectable
- (Act III) Approaching the Northern Barrier with a Yellow Access Card will cause the barriers to explode, unlocking the Northern Wastes.
- Build 0.92c) Release Act I and II. Act III beta (13/06/2011)
- Attack button now uses its default 'A' hotkey instead of 'X'.
- Attack button disappears in Lock camera mode for WASD keyboard movement.
- Frenzy has had its graphic animation fixed.
- Focus Aura now has its own graphic while active.
- Damage Aura now has it's own graphic while active.
- (Ultralisk) Regenerative Shell now has a graphic animation.
- Mark of the Ancients now displays a graphic on affected targets.
- Mark of the Champion now displays a graphic on affected targets.
- Mark of the Vengeful now displays a graphic on affected targets.
- Mark of the Warbringer now displays a graphic on affected targets.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the load hero function to crash sc2. (execution took too long)
- Players who ragequit immediatly after dying will no longer be resurrected.
- (Act I) All cinematics are now skippable! Press Escape to skip any cinematic. This feature is brand new, so skipping a cinematic may still seem 'skippy' briefly after the cinematic finishes.
- (Act I) Some quest pings were still grey or black and hard to see. These should all be bright yellow.
- (Act I) the more nasty Infested Terrans now have a yellow glow and are more noticable. Their damage dealt was reduced slightly.
- (Act I) Those Ursodaks at the end of each races start zones were all nerfed since they were scaling with the amount of players present when they shouldn't have been.
- (Act I) Low level enemy mobs movement speed has been reduced significantly.
- (Act II) The 'Escourt the Dark Templar' quest has been adjusted and should now be slightly easier.
- (Act II) The Frost Demon boss is no longer broken.
- (Act II) The Fire Lord boss now has 30% damage reduction and now summons hallucinations when he charges a pylon.
- (Act II) The Dark Stalker will start spawning adds sooner. Changes were made to his 'graviton beam' lift effect
- (Act II) Minimap would change when your mercenaries passed through a zone. It should only change the minimap only when your HERO passes through a zone.
- (Act II and III) The Mercenary Vendor (Annabelle) should now be invincible and immovable.
- (Act II and III) Difficulty was not auto tuning properly. It would put difficulty on 2 player mode when 3 players were present.
- (Act II and III) 5 player difficulty level should be slightly more challenging.
- (Act III) Diamondback Boss was deemed boring and has been given several annoying effects and aoes.
- (Act III) Lazer Drill boss (in the Refinery) should no longer be invulnerable.
- (Act III) The Dark Predator boss was sort of bugged.
- (Act III) Scantipede boss now has the behavior of 'switching targets' occasionally
- (Act III) Fixed an issue where XP gain would stop after levelling once! (oops)
- Build 0.92b) Release Act I and II. Act III Beta. (05/06/2011)
- Even more bank system reliability improvements.
- Res triggers have been split into 5 parts (from 4.)
- Regenerative Shell now has a graphic animation.
- Empowered Synergy now has a graphic animation.
- Damage Aura and Focus Aura now have their own graphic animations!.
- Hero load triggers would sometimes ignore the backup file if a slot was empty or corrupt. Users would have to -loadbackup sometimes. It should always try to load hero from backup if the main file is corrupt.
- The load hero menu will re appear if you accidently pick an empty slot.
- (Act I) The 'Stone Zealot Dies'' trigger was getting too big and wasn't properly awarding Tal'darim relic to all active players. This has been split into 2 triggers and should execute properly.
- (Act II) The res triggers will now automaticly remove quest item duplicates from your inventory (Tal'darim Relic, Tracker Beacon, Key to Act II, Head of the Destroyer)
- (Act III) Mutant Scantipedes burning corruption debuff - duration of this effect is no longer based on targets haste. This was causing the debuff to last well over 5minutes, since the debuff itself slows you down by like 10,000%
- (Act III) Laser Drill boss now deals roughly half the damage that it used to.
- (Act III) Vespene awarded from killing mobs has been quadrupled! Level 50-60 mobs will award 20-40 vespene per kill, Level 61-80 mobs will award up to 75 vespene per kill.
- (Act III) Ultra Viking and Diamondback boss now award Vespene, experience, and should now drop loot!
- (Act III) Bosses should now award 300-600 Vespene per kill.
- (Act III) Reduced the amount of mobs in a few areas
- Build 0.92a) Release Acts I and II. Act III beta (30/05/2011)
- Heroes are now limited to 2 bags. 3 bags was just taking up too much bank space.
- Performance and bank loading improvements through acts I, II and III
- (Act I) Some mobs in the Protoss starting zone were getting harder when more players were present. This was not intended for starting zones, since players are spread out at the beginning.
- (Act I) Created a new boss and zone accessible through a cave by the oasis in the Eastern Wastes.
- (Act I) Players no longer need a Key to the East to complete the "Find a Pylon' quest.
- (Act I) Minor terrain updates.
- (Act I) Town portals are no longer bugged after being used by another player.
- (Act II) First quest (talk to Zen'yth the stalker) no longer requires that you have the Queens Heart. This was breaking the whole quest chain sort of.
- (Act III) Major Dungeon layout/environment changes
- (Act III) Several bosses have had their damage output increased. Their health values should be higher as well.
- (Act III) The Mutant Scantipede boss now summons slightly nastier adds. (and awards higher level gear when killed)
- (Act III) The level 60-80 mobs should now respawn properly after being killed. They were not repopping.
- (Act III) Miner (male) health reduced to 18,000 from 30,000.
- Build (0.92) Release Acts I and II. Act III beta (25/05/2011)
- A targeting cursor now appears on your current target (to let you know what you are currently targetting)
- (Act I) New type of mob has been discovered in the eastern wastes! Tessalisks use the Hybrid Zergling model (by Underp4nts) and are roughly equivelant to the Ultralisks out there.
- (Act I) The No Fly zones have been moved around. Some hazardous indoor areas are no longer accessible by dropship.
- (Act I) The Queens domain has been adjusted slightly and it's background model should always be visible regardless of fog of war.
- (Act I) Most Stalker and Zealot mobs will no longer repop when killed.
- (Act II) No Fly zones have been implemented and the Terrans have left behind a Dropship to play with!
- (Act II) Minor performance increase.
- (Act III) No Fly zones have been implemented and the Terrans have left behind a Dropship to play with!
- Build (0.91c) Release Acts I and II. Act III beta
- CPU and Network load reduced significantly, and trigger reliability improvements implemented.
- Spectre - Chemical Missile Initial blast no longer harms nearby allies or friendly units.
- (Act I) attempting to fix issues with that first cinematic for players who use Lock camera mode.
- (Act I) Attempting to fix issues with that first cinematic for players 2 3 4 and 5.
- (Act I) Some quest markers (the ! and ? above questgivers) were not visible to all players.
- (Act I) Your bags are automaticly updated with a Teleporter beacon if you do not have one by the time you reach the Stone Zealots Cave.
- (Act I) The Teleporter beacon quest in the Eastern Wastes no longer requires the Key to the East.
- (Act III) Changed the Hydralisk Mercenary's model to Underp4nts AMAZING Hybrid Hydralisk model!
- Build (0.91b) Release Acts I and II. Act III beta (18/05/2011)
- Act III is now in public beta phase! Level cap raised to 80.
- Backup bank file is now generated, and when the main bank file cannot be loaded in multiplayer, it will try to load from the backup bank file (which is only saved to when you gain a level or leave the game.) This increases the reliability of hero loading in multiplayer, as well as provide as a failsafe for people who might have corrupted their bank file
- Town Rifts now appear after completing a quest or killing a boss. An unignorable one way ticket home.
- New graphic icons for several higher level chest armors.
- (Act I) Town Rifts are now usable by players other than just the caster.
- You can now sell (most of) your unwanted items at any shop or vendor. Just right click an item to pick it up, and drop it on top of any shop or vendor.
- (Act I) Quests can be completed out of sequence more smoothly. Some quests could only be triggered by player 1, and killing the hatchery was removing terran commander disguise from heroes inventory.
- Players who leave the game will now have their hero's removed from the game as well. There was an issue where any player would leave the game, and other players would have unlimited access to that players hero. Players would rob these afk heroes of their gear and sell it at a vendor.
- 1.3.3 Fixed an issue where Archon hero had the 'massive' flag, and was not being resurrected as a result.
- Lesser Potion of Invisibility are now available from the vendors in act II.
- Chrono Rift Charge are now available from the vendors in Act II.
- Groundwork is being laid down for a hero resurrection item in Act I.
- Build (0.91a) Release Acts I and II
- All potions now have new icons!
- New graphics/icons on most act II gear.
- New icon for Critical strike/Intelligence/Frost Nova/Mark of the Ancients
- Item image now appear in their hover over tooltips when dropped on the ground.
- Removed several UI elements that were cluttering the screen.
- (Act I) Infested Terrans range reduced to 4
- Fungal Growth base range reduced to 3
- Seeker Missile base range reduced to 4
- Build (0.91) Release Acts I and II (04/05/2011)
- UI has been updated, you can now see both the stats menu and the damage meter at the same time (if you so chose)
- Ghost - now deals 35% more damage from all attacks and abilities
- Ghost - Shield recharge Uplink now stacks up to 3 times, duration is no longer shortened by stacking haste.
- Removed several UI elements that were cluttering the screen.
- the Damage meter should automatically divide each players total damage done by 1/2 if any player reaches 100% reported damage dealt. This should fix an issue that caused it to stop working after half an hour.
- All items have had their descriptions formatted to always display their stats in a certain order. (+armor, +life/shields, +damage, +haste, +shield regen, you permanently gain X health upon equipping this item)
- Bank loading reliability improvements.
- (Act I) I noticed some creatures and bosses were taking double damage by having more than one attribute (hover,biological,massive etc). I removed their additional attributes, and reduced their health by half.
- (Act I) Terran Commander Disguise now only lasts 30 seconds, and has a graphic. For 30 seconds you can look like an elite firebat hero! (Ultralisk and Roach heroes will appear to have a firebat riding on them.)
- (Act I) Haste Rating button no longer flashes upon res/loading unless you have stat points to spend.
- (Act I) Town rift charges now drop off the Stone Zealot and the Omegalisk boss in the Eastern Wastes.
- (Act I) Experience gained from level 12-24 mobs has been increased
- (Act I) Content difficulty was not properly scaling based on players present.
- (Act I) When a player leaves the game, a UI message will display 'The Destroyers minions weaken. XXX% difficulty"
- (Act I) Town Rift Charges should now display their proper tooltip when dropped.
- (Act I) You can now see a high templars hero level by hovering mouse over. This was annoying.
- (Act II) Frost Demon boss fight changed slightly.
- (Act II) Chal'marr should now give the 'raid the Destroyers Temple' quest after clearing the Ominous Temple
- (Act II) Fixed several lingering quest objectives in the later quests.
- (Act II) High Templar Al'rak fight has been made a little harder. It was deemed boring.
- (Act II) Experience gain has been increased yet again
- (Act II) All vehicles no longer have the heroic flag. A bug was identified where a players vehicle would become unselectable if selected by the vehicles hero icon.
- Build (0.90c) Release Act 1 and 2
- (Act II) Experience gained from kills between levels 31-50 has been increased.
- (Act II) You can no longer gain experience from killing the Destroyer past level 50.
- New Damage meter, displays each players total damage done percentage, (out of all players). Also shows your current dps.
- There is now only one minimap, and it has been moved to the top right of the screen
- Fixed a random combat glitch where a mobs hp would reach zero, sometimes tick back up to 8 or 10, then be damaged back to 0. They wouldn't die.
- The effectiveness of Haste rating has been reduced slightly. You now receive haste percent equal to haste rating divided by (Hero level + 3) x 100, instead of haste rating divided by hero level x100.
- (Act II) New High Templar talent, Mark of the Ancients rank 2. In addition to it's original effects, Mark of the Ancients will increase critical strike chance by 4% while active. This change does not reflect on the stats dialog
- Fixed some issues with Ominous Box of Resurrection
- Ghost, Spectre, and Roach can now pick the Infused Swiftness talent.
- Fixed several issues with act II quests that were broken in 1.3
- High Templar Al'rak (in the Hybrid Destroyer encounter) has been buffed and should no longer die as easily. Multiple copies of this npc will no longer be created in multiplayer games upon entering the Destroyers Chamber.
- Lifestealing has been increased and was not properly giving 4.5% lifestealing per point.
- Roach - Empowered Synergy should now properly heal Life and Shields for up to 140% of damage done (unless you are afflicted by blinding goo or fungal growth).
- Queen Infestor - Passive Lifestealing will now properly heal shields and life for up to 25% of damage done.
- Ultralisk - Mark of the Warbringer will now properly heal shields and life for up to 20% of damage done.
- (Act II) Frost Demon boss has been adjusted to react to targets at melee range.
- Quest pings now last 1280 seconds, up from 550 seconds.
- (Act I) Many bosses will now drop town rift charges, allowing you to open a rift to your home.
- (Act I) Omegalisk boss Flame breath damage reduced by 45%
- (Act I) Quest markers '!' and '?" are now 40% bigger and more noticable.
- (Act I) Purge the Temple! quest fixed a bug where the Dark Templar would not help you purge the Temple!
- (Act I) Find a Pylon quest now spawns adds after you find the pylon! It's a trap!
- (Act I) Quest barriers have been implemented to prevent players from accidentally wandering into scary places too early into the game. The Eastern Wastes and the Zerg Hatchery areas are sealed off until a player who has completed those quests approaches Chal'marr.
- Build (0.90b) Release Act 1 and 2
- (Act II) Fixed Ursodak Boss quest.
- (Act II) Fixed High Templar Al'rak quest.
- (Act II) New Spectre Talent - Improved Kill Field Generator, +4500 health to your Kill Field Generator
- Killing Spree (dark templar) is now available in Act I. You no longer have to wait till act II to get this ability
- You can no longer gain ridiculous experience by killing Collosus in Act I.
- Lurkers in Act II now deal 30% less damage and 1.6 damage reduced per point of armor (from 0.8)
- Sentry potions in Act II now last 10 minutes.
- (Act II) Lobby teams are adjusted yet again, to handle multiple heroes in multiplayer better.
- Creating a medic hero is DISABLED until I figure out why this class doesn't work in act II. I don't want fresh players to roll a medic, and later find out it doesn't gain xp in act II.
- Save bank data has been reduced to make hero loading more reliable in multiplayer
- Duration of the pings in Act I increased for multiplayer
- Fixed an issue in Act I that was causing the load triggers to generate a 'temp' section in the bank file. Bank files should be much smaller and more manageable (9-29 kb).
- (act II) Ominous Box is now the 'Ominous Box of Resurrection.' Instantly revives all nearby dead (friendly) heroes.
-Build (0.90a) Release Act 1 and 2
- Fixed an issue in Act I where players 2 3 4 and 5 were not receiving their pylon charge after helping the Zealot prisoner find a pylon.
- (item) Force Field Barriers can no longer be bought from the armory or any vendors.
- (Act I) Lobby teams are adjusted yet again, to handle multiple heroes in multiplayer better.
- Friendly forces will once again react to enemy forces in Act II.
- Several quests in Act II were broken by the mission objectives system. These issues have been resolved, but some quests will not show mission objectives.
- Several Queen Infestor talents were not saving correctly.
- Mark of the Vengeful (Queen Infestor) is once again accessible.
- Items bought from vendors no longer display a ridiculous death animation when purchased.
- Improved Rejuvinate ranks 4 and 5 should now have the correct requirement data
- Ion Grenade base damage has been reduced. Damage scaling through int+gear has been increased.
- Leech (Queen Infestor) - Range has been reduced from 9 to 5. 9 was just way too much
- New Act II quest to go raid the Ominous Temple after killing the Frost Demon.
- (Act II) Fixed an issue with the Dark Templar escourt quest.
- (Act II) Kill the Black Reaver quest now properly executes if you approach Chal'marr after completing the Dark Templar Escourt
- (Act II) the teleporter in Chaos Mountains (for the Black Reaver quest) should now port your mercenaries as well
- You can no longer create a medic in Act I (until I figure out why this class doesnt gain XP in act II)
-Build (0.90) Release Act 1 and 2
- Replentish Shield Energy (Medic) is now Ion Grenade. Heals friendly units and deals damage to enemy units in an aoe. Ion grenade has a range of 5
- Queen Infestor can now pick Haste and Lifestealing in Act I
- Infested Terrans level 2 was bugged and was not increasing the health or damage of Infested Terrans.
- Curse of the Weakened - now ticks faster based on the casters haste, instead of the targets haste.
- Fungal Growth - now ticks faster based on the casters haste, instead of the targets haste.
- Gushing Wound (Ram) - now ticks faster based on the casters haste, instead of the targets haste.
- Irradiate (Medic) - now ticks faster based on the casters haste, instead of the targets haste.
- Psionic Storm - now ticks faster based on the casters haste.
- Rejuvinate - now ticks faster based on the casters haste, instead of the targets haste.
- Mark of the Ancients - duration of this buff is no longer shortened on targets with haste.
- Mark of the Champions - duration of this buff is no longer shortened on targets with haste.
- Mark of the Warbringer - duration of this buff is no longer shortened on targets with haste.
- Mark of the Vengeful - duration of this buff is no longer shortened on targets with haste.
- Hardened Shell - duration of this buff is no longer shortened on targets with haste.
- Empowered Synergy (Roach) - duration of this buff is no longer shortened on targets with haste.
- Stimpack - duration of this buff is no longer shortened on targets with haste.
- Stimpack - now has a 12 second duration, down from 15
- Stimpack - is now on a 30 second cooldown, up from 24
- Frenzy - duration of this buff is no longer shortened on targets with haste.
- Guardian Aura - duration of this buff is no longer shorte
You may NOT create a new hero in act 2 or 3. You use your existing heros that you created in Act 1.