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From PrinceXizor@TeamLiquid, posted by dimfish:and would it be possible to ask for you to add a command to show Base to base distances. that is main to nat, nat to third, third to every other base ect. to see expand paths better?
[dimfish additional comments below]First of all, the tool is already capable of computing the shortest distance between any two locations on the map, so we can definitely find more information of interest.
chuky500@TeamLiquid also had a similar request:
Another small suggestion : since your program can identify bases it would be nice to know how much time it takes to move from the main to the 3rd base, or from the natural to the 3rd base. So you can have an idea if it's easy or hard to defend....Another thing, I suggested that you could measure the distance from the main to the 3rd expansion but I think you missunderstood what I meant. I meant while I'm making a map if I want to have my 3rd expansion as far as in Metalopolis for example I could run your program to know the distance from the main to the 3rd in Metalopolis and then in my map and know how my 3rd compares to Metalopolis. Because the way I have to do it at the moment is I have to run the game, make a probe travel there, then run the demo and check how much time it took. Then do it again on Metalopolis to have a reference. If your program could measure that distance it would be faster to tweak the map.
Also about the alternate route maybe a way to do it would be in the GalaxyEditor to place a point (from the Point layer toolbar) that would act as a waypoint, and give it an obvious name. So your program would just have have to calculate the distance from the main to that waypoint, then from the waypoint to the enemy's main. And if I place 2 waypoints it would calculate the distanceMain->1st Waypoint->Opponent's Mainand thenMain->2nd Waypoint->Opponent's MainThis way you could have different alternate routes.
[dimfish comments again]I will consider this ticket, in whole, a request to have more control over asking SC2MapAnalyzer to calculate specific routes, including the option of adding way points.
From CharlieMurphy@TeamLiquid, posted by dimfish:
I dunno if the program can do this but it would be nice if we can redirect the pathing of alternate routes for cliff jumping, walking. A good example would be desert oasis, where a cliff jumper would most likely loop around towards the minerals or there are 2 paths from each main, (and depending on which base you are at the units path this way). And even paths once D-rocks are removed.
Just jotting down a plan to implement this configuration file. Besides being able to recognize waypoints, you use can use symbols that match the base-identification algorithm. So:
waypoint-[name] main nat third island semi-island gold
Then you specify things you want measured, specifically
main-nat (measures each main to ITS OWN natural) main-othernat (measures each main, pair-wise, to every OTHER natural) main-nat-othernat-othermain (measures each main to its nat, to every other nat that that nat's main)
Then, the balance calculations can have a set of these, too; use every one listed in the overall calculation.
At some point the data generated can become huge, maybe an option to stash each map's output in a special directory?
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