SC1 Mod v C.2.3 (Russian)
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UploadedJan 9, 2012
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new major C.x.x revisions by christdaugherty
see for full changelog
latest changes (vC.2.3) by Telenil:
- The unit lists in the Help section (F12) have been cleaned up; expect more polishing in the next few weeks
- It is no longer possible to build structures on beacons
- Infantry Weapon level 2 and 3 now properly require Science Facility
- Terran infantry weapons now increase firebat damage by 2 per level, up from 1
- Medic healing now uses 1 energy for 2hp healed, as in Brood War; healing rate slightly increased
- Adrenal Glands was slightly more powerful than it should: the upgrade now reduces zergling cooldown from 0.47 to 0.35, instead of 0.31 (effect decreased from -0.1525 second to -0.118 second)
- Hunter Killers are now Armored units, and have their proper damage penalty against non Massive units; they can be upgraded to 1/1
- Infested Kerrigan: is now Heroic. Psi Blast (anti-air) damage reduced from 50 to 20, minimum range reduced to 1, no longer ignores armor
- Kerrigan's Razor Storm: energy cost reduced from 100 to 75, cooldown reduced from 30 to 3, damage increased from 70 (7 times 10) to 112 (8 times 14)
- Young Chrysalis HP reduced from 5000 to 250, Mature Chrysalis hp reduced from 5000 to 400. Health regeneration for both decreased from 5hp/sec to 0.379hp/sec
- Guardian speed changed back to 1.406, Queen speed corrected
- Hallucinations can now use Shield Batteries
- Shield upgrades level 2 and 3 now require Cybernetics Core, instead of Citadel of Adun
- Ground weapons and armor level 2 and 3 now require Templar Archives, instead of Citadel of Adun
- Fixed some subtypes that interfered with Spawn Broodlings: High Templars are no longer flagged as Psionic, Dragoons are no longer Robotic, Probes are now Robotic
Bug fixes:
- SCVs no longer auto-attack enemy units
- Kerrigan's Snipe can no longer be cast on friendly units
- Units will now react properly when attacked by a Guardian
- Minor Zerg playability related tweaks & fixes corrected Kerrigan's "pissed" responses
- "Hero" units now benefit from weapon & armor upgrades, and have their own abilities separate from regular units
- First release
- spider mine kills probably won't register on the scoresheet