The Sandbox
You want the best Training Ground?
"The Sandbox" should do it for you. All SC2 units, upgrades and buildings are instantly available on a wide open sandy terrain with ramps and bases. Also 45 predefined micro challenges awaiting you. Relatively few buttons grant you a great variety of possibilities.
Play in The Sandbox solo or 1v1 with a friend:
- Find hard counters to any unit composition
- Test different upgrade variations
- Practice new unit compositions against random armies
- Micro against a working tactical AI
- Outmicro mirror armies
- Hold ramps of all kinds
- Plan your base build
- Defend your mineral line
- Practice drops
- Play predefined micro challenges
- Invent your own challenges
You are not in the mood for competitive starcraft? Go play in The Sandbox, explore and improve.
What is better in The Sandbox?
I know, there are some good Unit Tester and Micro Trainer around, but "The Sandbox" is the next step in the evolution of the training grounds, I think.
- The terrain has some real base locations with natural expansions (extracted from actual ladder maps).
- You can display not just the army cost, but also the upgrades cost and the buildings cost.
- You can build anything instantly with tool units or like usual (build a worker...)
- I put a lot of work in the random armies, so you just press the random button and have fun.
- The tactical AI uses abilities and is not too bad.
- You can create and save your own challenges.
- And I hope you like the style.
Introduction Video:
Server Uploads:
- EU: "The Sandbox" (upload by dingoo)
- NA: "The Sandbox [by dingoo]" (upload by phoenix)
- SEA: "The Sandbox (SEA)" (upload by Akinokaze)
- KR: ?
- CN: ?
(Can anybody upload it on other servers?)
The Sandbox Lessons:
how to produce more units by one click on the sandbox map? which short key ? i only produce one unit by left click one time .... thanks.
I just downloaded the file. How do I get it to work/start?? Do i just place in my starcraft 2 folder?? I looked everywhere for instructions, but could not find.
Einfach super! "The Sandbox" ist mein Lieblingstrainer. Ich finde es schade, dass man keine Kampagneneinheiten und -gebäude (z.B. Flammenturm oder Söldner) bauen/ausbilden kann. Kannst du das vielleicht ändern? Wäre nett. Ansonsten gute Arbeit.
can it support for MUTIPLAYER? thanks.
sorry, it sees that my option is wrong. yes ,it's the different color between each other. .
Yellow on both sides, really? Never got that. Can you reproduce this issue?
can the sandbox have the different color for two sides??? we often see the yellow color on each other, and we can't know which one is we will use. thanks
Not sure if I understand. 1. Right now there is no way to show the minerals mined. You can only click on the mineral patches and see, how much minerals are left. 2. Drones should attack in AI mode, but you are right, they dont. I will fix this, thanks for the report!
1.When the drone mining time,The number of mines that can be statistics? 2. drone can be Automated attacks in AI mode??
hope next version, thanks.
...and wie did you find out that I am german? :)
have fun, thanks for liking this map!
wool,great , 1.02 coming.....
thanks for sharing ,i like this map.
@Ash4meD Yes np, upload it. Would be nice, if you can update it from time to time, i am still working on some details. And please tell me, when its done. Thanks!
@kmkkmk In fact I had caster units with maximal energy in earlier versions, but I found its a bit unrealistic, when you fight against full energy caster, so I decided to give them half energy. You can upgrade the startenergy (raven, ghost, infestor, battlecruiser) if you want extra start energy.
I suggest to create caster units with maximal energy.
I can post it to NA.
I have some buddies that can use this.
I'm no melee player, but it definately looks better than any other melee practice map than I've seen so far.
@unforgiven91: Go
Thank you very much for your help! The over 200 unit bug is fixed (but dont try it with 1000 overlords pls ).
the creep tumor: if you need creep, you can place a hatch or get a queen and spawn creep tumors or let the overlords spit - like you do in sc2. or what should the tweaked tumor be for?
@dingoo71: Go
I'll look in to it for you. Just downloaded
on a side note: It appears that some sort of error occurs when i tried to run 200 supply hellions (1/1) v 200 supply speedlings (1/1)
Trigger Error StartFight_Func Trying to access an element past the end of an array
Edit: English is proper. Nothing that stands out to me. Also a spawnable creep tumor would be nice. something tweaked so that it can be placed off of creep.