The Proditor Campaign
"The year 2500 is the year that made history as the year of the zerg invasion of the planet Aiur. Meet the fate of the biggest traitor to the protoss race and see what is the price of honor and dignity."
Campaign events of "The Proditor" are happening in parallel to the events of the final phase of the protoss campaign "The Fallen" - the third Starcraft campaign - as well as in certain passages refer to the story of 'Brood War' or even to 'Starcraft II Wings of Liberty'. It is a metaphorical story about the collapse (moral or psychological), but also a philosophical debate about betrayal - her motives, effects and on attempts of rehabilitation. The main character is title Proditor (the world 'proditor,proditoris' means 'traitor' in latin), protoss, which rejected the ideals of his race and joined the ranks of the Zerg who were overruning his homeworld, also helping the Queen of Blades in carrying out her nefarious plan. Many locations and characters are fictional but they correspond to the Blizzard's original plot.
There's the possibility of choosing the level of difficulty in all episodes. You can choose between the level "Easy", "Normal", "Hard" and "Epic". Level depends on the frequency of the waves, also their strength and speed of the game.
The difficulty of the campaign is average. Some missions are "lighter", others more difficult. Overall, the campaign is intended rather for those who have completed at least WoL in level "Normal." In the campaign, I use the concept of a strong hero, capable of influencing the course of the missions and such, which can be used freely in the first series - it's not neccesary to leave him in the base for security. Often the computer (through scripts) behaves like a man, so the campaign is also a kind of training before playing multiplayer.
The installation of "The Proditor" campaign is very simple. You have to download _all files_ (currently 8!) into your _STARCRAFT GAME FOLDER_ directly in folder "Maps" (so for example the path MUST BE like C:\Program Files\Starcraft 2\Maps\Episode I - The Collapse.SC2Map). Otherwise map loading will not be working. It won't be working if you for example create a folder "Proditor" in folder "Maps" - they have to be directly in "Maps" folder! To start the game just open "Episode I - The Collapse" in the SC2 editor and click "Start Test". The rest of maps will be loaded automatically (of course when you finish previous one). And of course - subscribes on!
As you propably noticed I'm not very good in english. The campaign is originally full polish and it has been translated by myself (with help of google translator and english dictionaries) so there could be a few errors in translation or incomprehensible sentences or phrases. Also there could be still somewhere a single polish world or phrase in case if I skipped it inadvertently (in a tooltip of a ability, or unit's name or somewhere else). So if you will notice an error like that - inform please. And also - the triggers and some of data are still polish - I only translate the part for players. :) Sorry about that.
- I would like to thank ProzaicMuze for his berserk ability - I used it with some modifications. Very good data work!
- Thank to Blizzard for a Fenix' and Zealots' artworks (I used it as a loading screen and icons of heroes)
- And finally very thanks to my brother - Sify - a Starcraft player who is a beta tester of my maps. Thank you!
- Thanks for Defiler - the tester which has played all the missions at the moment! :)
- Episode 1: alpha
- Episode 2: alpha
- Episode 3: alpha
- Episode 4: alpha
- Episode 5: alpha
- Episode 6: alpha
- Episode 7: alpha
- Episode 8: (final) alpha released - in one version because of stop development of the project
- Expansion - Episode 1: alpha
- Expansion - Episode 4: alpha
After that I want to present you a bunch of screenshots. And - have a nice play. I hope you enjoy it.
the prodigal son in work? when can i download the last mission?
Interesting glitch in Episode_IVB-_The_Scissors. When I replayed it after it ended with Map not found message. I could not find Alcuin, he disappeared never to reappear. "Unable to open Map" message was a regular fault when playing with SC2Switcher.exe.
Great campaign. Though the grammar is atrocious. That's my only complaint though, other than that it's great!
Hi nimbus,
I've been playing through a lot of the CCI campaigns, then uploading them on YouTube with commentary. I would like to do this with your campaign pretty soon if that is ok with you. I realize it's been 2 years since the last update so I assume the final mission is perpetually on hold? Just wanted to check and see if maybe it had been completed but uploaded elsewhere before I get started.
Congratulazioni gli italiani si sono fatti battere come dei chiapponi XD
Thanks. :) I will for sure take a look. Btw. Congratulazione - gli italiani sono nel finale. :)
There are a tons of new assets of ghostnova and trokidas,take a llok :) Also sc1+bw italian translation is complete ;p
Thank for the report about void rays. I will check it. :)
Thank you very much everybody.
All I can say this much, that this project will not be abandoned. Last mission is prepared in 80%, I intend to finish it in late June when my exams finish at the university (at the moment then I'll put political issues aside, as I mentioned about).
Thank you again for your support. I decided that I could not abandon the project now that I'm so close to complete it.
I have just finished to missions, but I just had to say that this campaign is very impressive. You clearly have a great understanding on how the editor works. Kudos.
This has been an amazing campaign so far, probably the highest quality campaign available on this site. I had given up hope on custom campaigns for sc2 since from looking on here the descriptions all start out with "hey this is my first map.." and i avoid those but this has been phenomenal. I hope creating your new political party is going well and one day you return to finish these maps!
I am convinced that the second level is impossible to beat on "Epic" difficulty.
Hey, I played maps 1 through 7 on hard. Its honestly the best campaign custom I've played so far. The game-play is great, the story is solid and makes sense, and the difficulties are spot-on.
Other than the language, I have absolutely no criticism. Its spectacular.
(Random note: When playing mission 4B/5A "Many as One" on Hard mode, the Void Ray started at 2 damage (7 vs. Armored). This is very low and isn't the normal Void Ray damage. Is this a bug/accident? 3 Void Rays would lose to 4 marines.)
For the infested hero carrier u could do interceptor range of attack of 5 (as in sc1 carrier) and plating of 4 (as sc1 carrier) +1 (because is a hero :D)
@nimbusqwe: Go
Poiltical Party?LOL Ok bro :)
Well, the first one's looking good. It needs changes in the whole campaign of course. I'll experiment with this portraits when I'll back to the project. At the moment I'm creating a new political party in Poland. :) But I'm regulary observing what is going here as I've promissed.
Hi,what do you think about use these portraits for our "corrupteds" protoss?
Yea no problem, just glad to see it will be fixed :)
Thanks, other person contacted me earlier (a native) who offered the correct translation of this campaign, when I finish the last mission. :) But thanks for your activity and suggestion. :)
Do you need help with fixing the grammar in your campaign? Because I'm kind of a perfectionist and the grammar errors have been bugging me lol