The Proditor Campaign
"The year 2500 is the year that made history as the year of the zerg invasion of the planet Aiur. Meet the fate of the biggest traitor to the protoss race and see what is the price of honor and dignity."
Campaign events of "The Proditor" are happening in parallel to the events of the final phase of the protoss campaign "The Fallen" - the third Starcraft campaign - as well as in certain passages refer to the story of 'Brood War' or even to 'Starcraft II Wings of Liberty'. It is a metaphorical story about the collapse (moral or psychological), but also a philosophical debate about betrayal - her motives, effects and on attempts of rehabilitation. The main character is title Proditor (the world 'proditor,proditoris' means 'traitor' in latin), protoss, which rejected the ideals of his race and joined the ranks of the Zerg who were overruning his homeworld, also helping the Queen of Blades in carrying out her nefarious plan. Many locations and characters are fictional but they correspond to the Blizzard's original plot.
There's the possibility of choosing the level of difficulty in all episodes. You can choose between the level "Easy", "Normal", "Hard" and "Epic". Level depends on the frequency of the waves, also their strength and speed of the game.
The difficulty of the campaign is average. Some missions are "lighter", others more difficult. Overall, the campaign is intended rather for those who have completed at least WoL in level "Normal." In the campaign, I use the concept of a strong hero, capable of influencing the course of the missions and such, which can be used freely in the first series - it's not neccesary to leave him in the base for security. Often the computer (through scripts) behaves like a man, so the campaign is also a kind of training before playing multiplayer.
The installation of "The Proditor" campaign is very simple. You have to download _all files_ (currently 8!) into your _STARCRAFT GAME FOLDER_ directly in folder "Maps" (so for example the path MUST BE like C:\Program Files\Starcraft 2\Maps\Episode I - The Collapse.SC2Map). Otherwise map loading will not be working. It won't be working if you for example create a folder "Proditor" in folder "Maps" - they have to be directly in "Maps" folder! To start the game just open "Episode I - The Collapse" in the SC2 editor and click "Start Test". The rest of maps will be loaded automatically (of course when you finish previous one). And of course - subscribes on!
As you propably noticed I'm not very good in english. The campaign is originally full polish and it has been translated by myself (with help of google translator and english dictionaries) so there could be a few errors in translation or incomprehensible sentences or phrases. Also there could be still somewhere a single polish world or phrase in case if I skipped it inadvertently (in a tooltip of a ability, or unit's name or somewhere else). So if you will notice an error like that - inform please. And also - the triggers and some of data are still polish - I only translate the part for players. :) Sorry about that.
- I would like to thank ProzaicMuze for his berserk ability - I used it with some modifications. Very good data work!
- Thank to Blizzard for a Fenix' and Zealots' artworks (I used it as a loading screen and icons of heroes)
- And finally very thanks to my brother - Sify - a Starcraft player who is a beta tester of my maps. Thank you!
- Thanks for Defiler - the tester which has played all the missions at the moment! :)
- Episode 1: alpha
- Episode 2: alpha
- Episode 3: alpha
- Episode 4: alpha
- Episode 5: alpha
- Episode 6: alpha
- Episode 7: alpha
- Episode 8: (final) alpha released - in one version because of stop development of the project
- Expansion - Episode 1: alpha
- Expansion - Episode 4: alpha
After that I want to present you a bunch of screenshots. And - have a nice play. I hope you enjoy it.
To calm emotions I'll write that now I am focused on a literary work on my studies. To 4 March (then I'm giving my work for the assessment). The project "Proditor" has _not been_ and _will not be_ abandoned. :) Sorry for that. I'm acting like a Blizzard. :P
You're right about the model. I'll try this. No, it isn't possible to abbandon this campaign now because I've got 80% of last map ready. :D But I need a little time to get more 'vein'.
@nimbusqwe: Go
I know that there isn't selendis dark textures,but u could do it XD ITA (Non so come si scrive in inglese) A parte gli scherzi potresti anche usare questa "Tempest" per qualunque degli eroi carrier che ci sono in giro,una dark carrier coi tentacoli per l'eroe che usa il giocatore,e dark carrier "base" (senza tentacoli) per l'esercito di Morpheus Per la tempistica non mi interessa quando uscirĂ questa mappa numero 8,sono contento che non hai abbandonato la tua campagna,come invece hanno fatto TUTTI i tuoi compagni della "Custom Campaign initiative" -_- Fattela con calma :D Good Job
I'm afraid Selendis model do not have dark textures. Only carriers. :/ And that a little sad, because I have another carrier hero in this map.
About the progress: I'm acting like a Blizzard now, because I've passed the exams but I've got writing work to do now. :( But it not take my "all" free time like exams did so it's going on... but slowly. Now I'm still working on cinematics because it's difficult - they're long and epic. ;)
Try this campaign if u see the intro cinematic of mission 3 u will see a firebat with the camera on diagonal,a cinematic with a morpheus on diagonal that run for killing someone could freaking awesome :D
@nimbusqwe: Go
Try to follow my suggestion for carrier model,also using the selendis model with dark textures (with added the things that i told you) could be awesome. And if it could shoot with the cannon that u see on "Lost viking" (the minigame on campaign) and in the famous custom game Star Battle (for starcraft 2 of course,is an upgrade for the carrier,he have the Thor's 250 mm cannon icon). Good job :D
Was this week. I'm regenerating my physical forces. :P And going to work. There's not a lot work to do... but still...
- cinematics/cut-scenes
- a few objectives
- model of carieer - this is I think the greater problem. :P
- second version of map for those who destroy in Episode VII Fenix's Citadel.
@nimbusqwe: Go
Hi Nimbusqwe,the exam was this week or the next week?
It's not a problem, I know the option of dark protoss, for example I have used it already in episode VIII. :) Well, if I remembed wneh I started creating campaign I didn't know how to activate dark protoss mode - from sometime I know, but I didn't decide to activate it because I want to create another campaign after HoTS release - "the dark imperative", propably about Maar. Then I want to use dark protoss UI, textures and everything.
But maybe you have a right. I'll try to turn the protoss to dark ones, and create a real 'hybrid tribe' when I finish episode VIII. We will see if this will be a good idea. :)
About the siege machines (immortal big) - they're also in Episode VIII as a very important element so you will see them and we will discuss because this nuke attack is real... "siege" weapon.
About hydralisk escort - at the expansion. :) You need to wait for the Episode VIII (my last exam is on thursday, after a week) and then we will discuss this details with custom units. But about the dark protoss in Morpheus army - I think it's a good idea and I'll try it.
@nimbusqwe: Go
As we know morpheus is an infested protoss,so i have this question: Why his tribe members are still normal protoss,instead of dark protoss? (If u see the campaign,when Maar controlled a tribe,all members of that tribe begun dark protoss; So my suggestion is to go on activators and add to local player (it would be better if u will name it for example "Morpheus' corrupted") the dark protoss textures that u can find here (i will tell u on italian) Vai in attivatori,poi (se non sbaglio) vai su inizio partita e metti l'azione "albero tecnologico - aggiungi dark protoss al giocatore locale (cioè l'utente che gioca)" così avrai quasi tutte le unità e tutti gli edifici (obelisco a parte) oscuri. Per il colosso,la fenice,l'osservatore,lo scout e la nave madre puoi trovare le textures quà For the immortal of mission 2 my suggeston is to add the khalai stalker instead of the immortal that shoot nukes (please do another attack this is scary!) that u can see on the link that i did you,also the void khalai could be added on the air base of mission 2 or other missions (also mission 8?? O_o),if u want u could add khalai stalker on other missions (also n' 8 ??? ) What do u think about put 2 hybrid hydralisks that "escort" morpheus as hunters killers do with kerrigan on tyrador VIII and char on the WoL campaign U can find the textures for hybrid zergling and hydralisk here: This is a mod so i don't know if it could work only on 2 hydralisk or also on all hydralsiks on the game. I hope some of these suggestions could be usefull for you :)
And about dark protoss UI - I was planning in the large future an expansion to campaign or other - dark protoss campaign. Then I'll use it. At the moment I'm not going to do that. :)
I'm during exams on the university. :) I'll back to the project after something like a week. Ok. I'll try to make this model better. At the beginning I wanted to ask a professional data worker because I'm begginer but noone responded. :( :( The map will be epic - it's the larger file with the most triggers I ever made. :|
I just see the last screenshot (of mission 8) and ok the selendis model with kerrigan "wings",sand effect,2 spine crawlers and ultralisk blades on front could be original,but personally it look bad :( Could be better the dark carrier model,with a neural parasite,zerg hybrid tentacles,and corruption+sand effect. An example of dark carrier is on my map (battle net) "Left2Die v 0.13 DarkProtossZergTerran" I only add "dark protoss" on activators for player 1,if i remember well Are u able to add dark protoss UI? It look too awesome :D Good luck for this final mission i am too excited to seee the final
Well, I'm plaining ... 4 tip screens. :D But you got to wait. I'm working 24/h but it's still a lot of work to do.
@nimbusqwe: Go
I had only few minutes today,so for that time i cheated XD For the difficulty is ok,also with the scary mothership,and the waves that don't go on the artiifact but on the left of its. Balance is ok For the mission 8 u could add tip screen,as the one of magmainfestor,that show you what's magmainfestor and how u can use it.
You've noticed mothership when defending cocoon? :)
Ps. How do you win without destroying last base??
@nimbusqwe: Go
I did mission 2 on hard but what's the surprise?The panoramic cinematic or the win before destroy the last air base?
DEFILER: Shall be done. :)
@nimbusqwe: Go
Suggest for Episode 8: Rich and detailed description of special units and buildings :3
Rio: I've made this changes with attacking player's base from cliff and with sending there colossus. It should be righ now. I didn't test it because I'm day by day concentrate on this Episode VIII, but It should works good, because it was a little change in a simple script. :)
Episode II - The Descendant uploaded!