Maul's Tower Defense: Spiral v1.45
- 1 to 6 players
- 3 Difficulty settings: Easy, Normal and Hard NEW
- Difficulty scales to the amount of players
- 17 levels
- 3 bosses
- 7 types of defense NEW
- 5 upgrade types NEW
Train MULEs and upgrades from your Star Base, Use your SCV to build towers and mine extra minerals. SCVs can Blink to each platform. Level difficulty increases from normal to insane.
Music by Loopmaster and Thomas
hi I'm Korean. I want to play your game, but its English makes Korean play other maps so, I just want to translate your map's English into Korean. May I do it?
Resource trading makes this map rather easy. There is no real drawback of just shipping all minerals to one player and then only that player upgrades and builds stuff.
got it perfect (easy difficulty)
There is no problem with the editor with regards to the upgrades. You are assinging the stat affects to the "turret/tower/bunker" itself instead of it's weapon. Much like the speed upgrade at current does not apply/work because it has been set this way. I have changed and tested and it works OK. You have set the bunker's speed to increase by 0.5, you should have set the Longbolt Missle's speed to increase by 0.5.
Food for thought if you release another update :).
Easy is still too hard...
It said that I can't publish cuz it's not available. What should I do?
- It's the only real challenge TD I've played in SC2 so far.
- Players can compete for kills, which is fun imo.
- There are several possible build orders, hard to tell which is more efficient, and the efficiency really depends on the whole team.
- More fun when we can't tell what is best to do.
- It's fun to try to figure what is more efficient of researching improvements or building new turrets.
What I don't like:
Too hard to beat, I've never been close:p
In this version I removed about 20k worth of HP from waves 9 and beyond.. The way the difficulty scales is by a HP modifier, with easy removing some health, normal is unchanged and hard has a bit extra. Typically it can be from a 20-30% difference, but it gets changed a lot.
The reason I removed bunkers was there is a bug in the editor that won't let me change the upgrades for bunkers, so they're only getting their default values upgraded, which is not useful at all.
playing v1.53 managed to almost beat it on easy perfectly didn't focus down the mothership so some of the last wave made it to the end but hadn't leaked before then, I miss the rine etc bunkers though,Two turrent turret up once for lvl 2 another turrent mule another upgrade for obs and a range up I think,into spore mule with the occasional upgrade, got a bunch of ranged upgrades near the end.While blink mining a ton.
missile turret speed upgrade doesn't work either, it should actually display an icrease on the weapon speed tab thingy right? also tested for the heck of it(just in case) two turrets with one range upgrade(may be able to skip due to better placement and one weapon upgrade can handle level two on easy anyways) so with speed upgrade they should have killed close to all of them at least, but instead they killed around the same as two turrents with no weapon and one range upgrade.
also on star base weapon grade thing has show spores getting 150 per up for ages when they get 250 per up. Out of curiousity what ever the weapon speeds of ghosts marauders rines and super marines? bugged a little that you can't go straigth to cannon at least not when alone but it makes sense.
Would it be possible to know what was changed exactly? There are many ways one could change difficulty.
One way that I think might work is to reduce (a bit) the cost of mules to something more manageable (maybe 250-300?) also, superbunkers would need to provide more food.
I've uploaded a new version, with the main change reducing the difficulty somewhat. Let me know if you find this any easier or "possible" :)
Sorry if it's been too hard. It's been quite a difficult task not having the map too easy or too hard, but I'm getting closer I believe.
@ Guses
Ya, is version 1.45 The first lane mean where your scv at. Start with 3 bunker, after build mule then continue def build bunker n update dmg. It should be fine to def the level 1 with easy mode.
Definitely WAY too hard. Easy should become the new "normal." and everything should be toned down, because easy difficulty is impossible, whether you have 1 person, 2, or six. There's no way.
It was still fun though, and a nice tower defense.
@ Adlas:
What version are you playing? With 1.45 it is IMPOSSIBLE to stop wave 1 with 3 bunkers ( 2 on the first lane and 1 on the second lane) and no upgrades. By the time I have 400 minerals with blink mining, the critters are already pouring in the endzone.
What do you mean when you say first lane? Do you mean the smallest lane (closest to the center) or the largest (closest to the spawn area)?
I tried your strategy and it does not work for me...
EDIT: I am actually playing version 1.51 (loading screen). Maybe that is why.
Here is a video of what I tried:
I pass the easy mode with perfect clean, This is the trick I build about 13 mule till level 12 ~ 14 then stop mining n mass super marine. I have about 1 n half team super marine n half team of marauder with slow effect update. Marine weapon update till 400 n range update till 400.
Level 1 i build 2 marine bunker at first lane n 1 marine bunker in second lane with no update anyting, after i reach 400 gold straight build my first mule. After i get 80 gold i continue build some marine bunker at lane 2. This is easy to def on level 1. Level 2 i got 4 marine bunker at first lane n 3 bunker at second lane with weapon upgrade till 80. After reach 400 gold again = mule n so so so so so ~~
apparently used to get more min per kill after the first level, currently yes the map is impossible even on easy did make it a little past super carrier with super marines another time to 12 or so with cannons and turrents, other than that fact..... I do like the map,.
or am I misunderstanding comments
its possible to get a mule out first round but second gets rather hard to kill em all and it gets worse from there. for instance don't see how this could ever be possible on current map
" I managed to go flawless till 12 with one super bunker and around 6 spore colonies. If I had gone cannons I might have been able to get enough mules to counter the cost of upgrades.
Although I haven't tried mixing bunkers and towers. I might try that later when I have more time"
edit: seems to be a published 1.45 says v1.51 during loading screen? with broken upgrades and maybe other problems even without upgrades marine bunkers should kill a lot more 40 hp lords than they seem to and with less hp on enemies at least first 8 levels 40 hp baby lords lvl 9 i think is 1600 which seemed a big jump from the previous level then 2400 the next level or one after i forget. only getting that far wit hcannons turrents
First of all, I would like to thank the author for such a great map. I have become literally obsessed with trying to finish all the waves!
Unfortunately, even on easy, I am completelly incapable of making it pass wave 12-13. I have tried with turrets, with bunkers, I even calculated the optimal upgrade path (when should each upgrade be purchased to have the most damage/$). Maybe I am just not seeing how this can be done. I would appreciate tips from the guys that say they survive on Normal and do it flawlessly. For the record, I do blink mining ALL THE TIME and I play alone. A video or written tips would go a long way.
For the author: It would be useful to have the Damage Per Second of each bunker/turret in the description instead of the damage. For instance, marine bunkers cost 80 and do 8 damage. How does that compare to a spore that cost 1000 and do 250 damage. Just looking at the numbers, the spore is way better than the bunker in terms of damage per cost. However, in terms of DPS, we have no way of knowing (I guess I could check in the editor for the firing rate of each).
One minor issue: It would be great if the difficulty of the map scaled with the number of players CURRENTLY in the game. I have played many 6 player games where one player leaves and we are screwed because of that. I dont know if this is possible however.
finally i prove the hard mode r impossible to pass after i spend 5 hour on it -_-"" stupid author !!!!!!!!