SC1 - Khalai Protoss Praetor Fenix
FilenameSC1 - Khalai Protoss Praetor
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UploadedApr 26, 2018
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SC1 - Khalai Protoss Praetor Fenix
Custom model remake of Praetor Fenix's zealot model for the StarCraft Reawakening based on his appearance from Heroes of the Storm and from some official SC2 artworks. Credits goes to GhostNova91 for the original textures of his Fenix model and DaveSpectre122 for the Heroes of the Storm version of Fenix's portrait head. Includes icon, custom textures, custom model, and wireframe.
Praetor Fenix was a legendary protoss zealot, and praetor of the Protoss Defense Forces during the Great War. Before the time Fenix rose through the Templar ranks alongside his friends Artanis and Tassadar and fought against the enemies of the protoss in countless battles. He personally led his fellow warriors into battle against those who called themselves the enemies of the Protoss Empire. Revered by his warrior-brethren, he was dubbed the Steward of the Templar, and is one of the most celebrated heroes in protoss history, legendary for his deeds on the battlefield.