LotV - Daelaam Executor Selendis


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    LotV - Executor Selendis (V2).zip
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LotV - Executor Selendis (V2)

 Updated model for Executor Selendis from SC2 LotV. Inlcudes now some of her different model appearances including team colored versions of the said model appearances. Also includes icons and wireframes.

https://media-elerium.cursecdn.com/attachments/209/759/lotv-executor-selendis-v2.png https://media-elerium.cursecdn.com/attachments/209/761/zealot-hero-variants.png

 Executor Selendis is the current executor of the Daelaam Protoss and was a student of Artanis. She is sometimes referred to as a "high executor" by other protoss commanders and warriors in the battlefield. In the reorganization following the Great War, she was promoted to executor, acting as Artanis' assistant and commanding the combined military forces of the protoss. After the end of the Second Great War, in the event of the reclamation of Aiur, Selendis was present with the Golden Armada when the Daelaam launched its attempted reclamation of Aiur. During the battle over Aiur, many Khalai protoss, including Selendis, fell under Amon's thrall per his corruption of the Khala. When the Daelaam re-launched its invasion of Aiur, after the destruction of Amon's host body, the corrupted executor Selendis led the corrupted Golden Armada in their last attempt to destroy the Keystone but their attack failed and later the corrupted Khalai were freed from Amon's control by severing their nerve cords.

REQUIREMENTS : LotV Dependencies