Adjusted for campaign dependencies. Not much changed for Protoss, you get scouts now.
Increased the delay before the Zerg players' tier 3 upgrades.
Your first nexus build time is sped up by 50%. Enemy attacks begin earlier to compensate.
Added a scripted event in the area north of your base.
Most Enemy attack waves should now prioritize your main base over your expansions. Minerals in your starting base slightly reduced to compensate.
Addressed Localization issues.
Infestors should no longer Frenzy targets who already have it.
Slight balance tweaks to account for patch changes
Improved enemy AI- they should now rebuild lost structures
Added decals and other aesthetic improvements
You are now notified of potential expansion sites
Slightly lowered the amount of Mutalisks in Green's attacks
Minor cosmetic changes
Removed a stray Void Ray that was there for testing purposes.
Increased time between enemy attack waves.
Increased resources at your starting base.
Ground shield, weapon and armor upgrades have been set to 1 for player at start.
Possible remaining issue where the Zerg players' attack waves stall then combine with the subsequent wave.
Some people are encountering a problem where the enemy doesn't send attacking forces. (Possibly solved by not playing the map via the "test document" option of GE, and instead manually dragging the map icon onto your sc2 exe icon.)