DIPLOMAP OPEN BETA Diplomap is an original production created by myself, DocM (You can call me Doc).
If anyone is familiar with Warcraft 3 custom Diplomacy, I tried to emulate Europa in many ways in order to bring that same feeling back to Starcraft 2. You gain control points in order to gain income and supply.
Each faction has its own unique starting situation and strategy. In the next update there will be special units for each faction. There are twelve players possible in a full house.
The current unit system uses three tiers, which I have attempted to create without any unit redundancy, along with various special units. Most people who are interested in diplomacy already know how it works so I won’t go too far into specifics; the screenshots I have provided should give an idea as to how the alliance interface works and the quality of the terrain.
To find and play this map just search Diplomap in the create custom games list. For more on the Diplomacy community, or anything relating to Diplomap, go to here: http://diplomunion.com/forumdisplay.php?167-Diplomap
Right now I lack the manpower needed to test this map properly, and I am afraid the diplomacy community is too weak to provide players right now. So I humbly request that anyone interested in diplomacy, anyone interested in developing the diplomacy community, or just the curious, send me a PM or message me in game so we can get out and play this thing. Sincerely, DocM.811.
For anyone interested in diplomacy, id like to highlight another project that I found. http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/2089111341?page=1#5 A fantastic new map that I fully support!
thank you for the interest DrNotorious! I am really hoping to get the diplomacy scene rolling in sc2 but im afraid that wont happen until clans come out. What you did with the publishing wasnt terrible, just go to your editor and go to "manage published" and delete it when you get the chance. If you need to play the game just search "Diplomap" on the create custom games list. if you could let me know what your name and ID is so we can play together.
Hey doc, really appreciate what your doing for the Starcraft 2 Community. The maps currently on bnet are absolutely dull and terrible, and diplo is just what we need! Now I wanted to help so I downloaded your open beta, but being noobish as I am, I didnt know how to play it on bnet. So i published it to bnet from the editor, but didnt know how to change the authors name. I locked it however, so people could not mod with it. I hope this does not create any trouble, for i do not want to be banned, I am just trying to help get DIplo's out there on the server. Let me know if i can do anything to help with the creation of your game.
xXx Dr Notorious xXx
sent you a friend invite excloud hope to hear from you soon.
As for twodie, if it gets remotely popular in the US ill think about porting it to EU.
yo diplomacy was the bomb in sc1 im interested give me a message at [email protected] on sc2
Sadly not in EU server :)