Shadow Guard / Shakuras Signifier (Thrikodias version)
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UploadedOct 11, 2024
Size3.18 MB
Edited version of Thrikodias' Signifier to make the armor look more copper instead of gold and thus fit better with the Shakuras theme. Credit for the original model and textures goes to Thrikodias. Additionally TC has been improved and spell particles added. And since there is a vast number of different psionic abilities, I made some ideas and icons for different ones than the Lenassa tribe Signifier I did from the concept art.
Ability/Upgrade ideas:
- Astral flash: Signifier heals a friendly unit for 15HP, costs 5 energy and has 2s cooldown. Can be set to autocast.
- Astral Storm: A variant of Psionic Storm, that heals friendly units instead of doing lightning damage. Enemies in the erea become unbalanced as long as they stand inside and 1s after leaving, this slows their movement speed and makes them move slightly unpredictibly. With withering siphon prestige, the unbalance effect triggers withering siphon damage. This ability requires research.
- Shadow clones: Signifier spawns two hallucinated versions of itself with 15s lifetime and cloaks the signifier for as long as at least on of the clones is alive. 20s cooldown. This ability requires research.
- Significance: Astral flash and Astral Storm now also restore shields at 66,6% of the HP amount and grant 15% damage reduction for 2s.
- Argus crystal: Signifiers and Dark Archons start with full energy. (I made new icon for existing Dark Archon upgrade as it looks nothing like a crystal normally and uses icon that was originally intended for other use + I made it also apply to the Signifier. So the green-red icon would be for upgrade button, the green icon for Signifier passive icon and red one for Dark Archon passive icon)
- Psionic sight: Passive, initially available. Shadow Guard Signifiers use their psionics to see the world around themselves, this allows them to detect even cloaked, burrowed or hallucinated units and see on high ground. To prevent sensory overload and confusion from seeing both with psionics and their eyes, they wear blindfolds.
Recommended model size 1.1
Astral Storm recommended size 0.5 - 0.6.
- Unit model (3 variants - With permanent green glow, with teamcolorable glow and the latter also with teamcolorable particles)
- Death model
- Warp in model (Green & Blue)
- Placement model (Green & Blue)
- Shadow trail model (Can be used for Shadow Trail and for Shadow clone ability from players and detected perspective)
- Portrait model + Static portrait
- Hero icon
- 2 Ability models
- 8 Ability / Upgrade icons
- Required textures
Recommended portrait lighting: Adept_Taldarim_Collection_Portrait