Colony Drop
Colony Drop
A chilling battle upon a space colony that's hurdling toward a planet.
The initial rush distance is extremely small, making the early game on this map very interesting. However, unlike many maps which bring your bases closer as the game progresses, Colony Drop brings you further from your enemy.
You can destroy the colony's Fusion Core to activate the emergency shutters, making the rush distance between bases much longer, but you might want to hold off on that and deal some early damage to your enemy while you can.
OH! lol. The fact that it had the weird geyser placement messed me up :P
You've got a good point, Gemini. I'll try and fix it up.
EDIT: On second thought, you seem to be mixed up. The mains are in the middle, hence the aforementioned absurdly fast rush distance, and the need for emergency shutters. The bases with 3 entrances are the naturals, and only 2 of those entrances will really need to be defended.
But I did try mixing up the map a bit with some destructible debris. I've just updated it.
It looks cool...however 3 entrances to your main? One being a giant one? I'd say either cut down on the ramps or put rocks on them cause that is extremely favored for Zerg.