Chase the mineral


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    Sep 1, 2010
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    290.81 KB
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  • MD5


Mechanic fix

  • Removed the Sentrap turret.
  • Set the SCV players to be ally with shared vision.


  • Lowered the amount of mineral of Mokmok to 1000
  • Lowered the base speed of Mokmok to 2
  • Added a Area of effect stun spell 3 seconds Cooldown 75 energy
  • Decreased the speed when burrowed.
  • Reworked the Crystalportation skill to be more reactive.


  • Increased the amount of mineral gathered.
  • When carrying mineral the SCV get a Speed debuff of 30%. If killed while carrying mineral, the SCV will drop a part of its cargo, the first player who walk on it will instantly be awarded of 10 mineral.
  • Increase the base speed of SCV to 3
  • Change the cost of the sentry tower from 25 mineral and 25 energy to 25 energy
  • Decreased the cost of all upgrades and item.

Important : Use the game mode Chase the mineral standard settings when you create a game.

  • Burrow is still powerfull at the moment. I plan to add more beetles.
  • There are some actor bugs at the moment. when Mokmok change shape while dispersed.
  • The SCV take too long to be brought down.
  • There are some bug when SCV return from their shelter directly to the mineral even if he is burrowed.