Chase the mineral


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    Aug 29, 2010
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Initial release :

Mokmok abilities:

  • Crystalportation : A teleportation skill with a 10 seconds cooldown
  • Transluscent : Passive. When idle Mokmok becomes cloaked. However he emits noisy vibrations.
  • Contextual Morphing : Active. Mokmok observes the surrounding an morph to an object shape. Grant a bonus regen but remove the Transluscent effect.
  • Burrow : Mokmok burrows himself. While burrowed, Mokmok is invisible hidden and not detectable by sensor tower. However, the vibrations emitted by Mokmok affect local fauna.
  • Disperse : Mokmok changes his state and become gazeous. While in this state the gathering rate is lowered by 75% however it cost Mokmok a lot of energy to maintain thos state.

SCV abilities:

  • Grenades : Throw a grenade to a target location. Dealing 15 damages to enemy SCV. If Mokmok is targeted while burrowed the shock will force him to unburrow and stun him for 6 seconds.
  • Zap : Inflict 15 damages to enemy SCV and slow the target for 5 seconds.
  • Magnetic Mayhem : AOE skill. The SCV cast a magnetic storm to the targeted location. Enemy SCV will be slowed for 75%. If Mokmok is at the center of the AOE he will get stunned for 7 seconds else he gain a 75% speed buff.
  • Sentrap : Build a sentrap at the target location. Sentrap are hidden when idle. Sentraps have a short range slow beam which reduce the speed of affected units by 75%. Each SCV can build up to 2 Sentrap.
  • Shelter : Shelter is a mineral return point and you can buy enhancing items and upgrades here.
  • Sentry : Places a sentry. Sentries show nearby moving units.
  • Detection : SCV have a short range ( 1 ) Unit detection. They can see close transluscent mineral.

Probably some typos. The upgrades and items have a cost of 75 minerals as I need more feedback in order to balance them.