Cacho's Kitbashes
Cacho's Kitbashes
IMPORTANT: If you import one of my models and some textures of other models or the terrain itself start flickering, turning black, or disappearing, you have to run this script over the imported model in order to solve the issue. Please PM me if it happens, so I can reupload it.
Custom SC2 models and textures based on existing ones.
Please give credit to the original creator in the case of "Models from other users" and to me for the rest of the models if you use them.
@Cacho56: Go
Okay, thanks ill check it out
@SoulFilcher: Go
I'm editing it right now.
I don't think I made a firebat or ultralisk. I think those were made by GhostNova
@nolanstar: Go
That's not in my plans...
Delphinium has made a bash file to turn protoss textures into dark protoss textures. Check it out.
@Zolden: Huh?
@Cacho56: when possible could you do a dark protoss corsair?
lol, poor mozared
Awesome models. I have a question about the other models like Jim Raynor and Michael Liberty's civilian models and the Cerebrate model, why do they look cartoonish? Is that the only thing you can do for it?
@Cacho56: Go
@nolanstar: Go
I've changed and reuploaded it.
OK, thanks!
can you make the gold and silver corsairs have different .m3s and texture names so I can use both without texture select
The zip had the model in a wrong path. I've uploaded it again.
You just have to move the .m3 files from "Assets/Units/..." to "Units/..."
About TC Kraith, where did the TC go?