SC2BW v0.94


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    Jan 13, 2011
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Changes to Scarab pathing. Scarab will have great difficulty getting around cliffs/objects.
Flying Factory can now create Machine Shop correctly.
Lockdown can now be used on Friendly Targets
Marine attack has been made more inefficient in the same way the Siege Tank attack was changed.
Scourge made more inefficient in the same way again
The validator which would prevent a Mutalisk from attacking if too many were stacked has been removed.
Medic Heal Range reduced from 1 > 0.75
New Reaver Model from Project Revolution. Re-animated by myself.
New Reaver Texture by DeveRR0 and GnaReffotsirk
New Arbiter Texture by GnaReffotsirk
Parasite and Broodling Spell Projectiles can no longer be shot and killed midflight
Swapped Scanner Sweep hotkeys for SC1/SC2 Profiles
Hatchery no longer drops a grid of creep while being constructed
Lurker Aspect can now be researched when you have a Hive but no Lair
Zerg Structures no longer lose HP when not on Creep
Fixed a bug that prevented certain Ranged units from not being affected by Dark Swarm
Yamato Cannon Energy Cost increased from 125 > 150
Overlord Upgrades can only be researched at the Lair or Hive
When a Command Center becomes Infested it will be given Full HP
Scarabs now show up in the Reaver information panel as it's Weapon
Hold Position Lurkers are now possible by holding down the stop command. Releasing the stop command will allow them to attack once again
Hallucinations no longer take Supply
Hallucinated Devourer's no longer apply Acid Spores
Mind Controlled Units no longer take Supply
All Zerg units can now Burrow ontop of one another, effectively "Stacking" them
Most spells now Dispel Hallucinations
Feedback can no longer be cast on Hallucinations
Spawn Broodling will no longer create Broodlings if cast on a Hallucination
All Starcraft 2 Music replaced by Starcraft 1 Tracks
Fixed a bug that allowed the Dragoon to fire while inside a Shuttle
After firing a Scarab a Reaver can no longer fire a second until the first has expired
Reavers can no longer fire immediately after being unloaded from a Transport
All modified footprints for buildings have been reverted. This means all buildings will once again be a tight wall. This is temporary, in future i will return and do this properly and accurately.
Fixed a bug that caused the Hardcore Unit and Building selection restrictions to not apply
All Hardcore features can be switched on/off individually in the lobby
New Footprints for every Building in the game. Buildings are still a tight wall. but are now 3x2 instead of 3x3. Gateways/Rax/etc are now 4x3 instead of 3x3 and so on.
Lots of Buildings have had their orientation and scale changed to fit with the new footprints. some might look odd. if it's too much tell me and i'll re-evaluate it.
Science Facility now has a Placement Model (not of Blizzard's quality. but it will do for now)
Science Facility now has a Building Animation (it no longer looks completed when construction has just started)
Flying Starport can now correctly construct a Control Tower
Science Facility and Command Center now have a Cancel Button for Addons.
New Sounds for Hydralisk (just it's voices)
Spider Mines no longer do bonus damage instead of reduced damage
Infatry Weapons/Armor Level 2/3 Upgrades now require a Science Facility instead of an Armory
Ultralisk reduced in size visually by 5% but it's actual Collision size was increased
Defiler can no longer use Consume with Full Energy.
Consume no longer wastes Zerglings. If the Defiler reaches max Energy all subsequent Consume's queued by that Defiler are canceled.
Fixed a bug that would remove Defensive Matrix from a Siege Tank if it Sieged/Unsieged.
Halt Hotkey changed from T > ESC
Halt Button removed from Constructing Building
Delay added to the beginning of Zergling's Attack. making it not so effective at attacking retreating units.
SCVs and Probes now spawn at the bottom left of the CC/Nexus irregardless of rally point
SCVs/Probes/Drones all spawn at the bottom of the CC/Nexus/Hatchery at the beginning of the game
Defensive Matrix can no longer be cast on Structures
Consume no longer plays a Global Sound Effect (Could hear it from other side of the map)
Fixed Scarab Explode Sound so that it actually plays
Spider Mines are now dumb similar to Scarabs (they do not know how to avoid obstacles)
Sieging and Unsieging Tanks now works exactly the same as BW
Spider Mine increased in size
Spider Mine Sounds return
Spider Mine Animations tweaked. Spider Mines once again CLAMP/SNAP into the ground. none of this sissy circular drilling crap
I broke Spider Mines with all these changes and hopefully fixed them. keep an eye on these little bastards and report any bugs
Fixed Attachments for Valkyrie
Infested Command Center no longer acts as a Drop Off point for Resources
Infested Command Center can now land near Resources
Increased time it takes Buildings to Land and Lift Off
Observers have the map revealed for spectating purposes
Marine/Medic/Firebat Collision size increased slightly
Fixes to Vulture Collision