The Galaxy API Documentation is growing. Here is a quick recap of useful functions.
XML Data Documentation
All the game properties are stored in XML files. They will probably be edited in some kind of Excel sheet. You can get a preview of the various things you will be able to tweak by looking at the following XML documented by Bifuu and Computerpunk.
- AbilData.xml - Holds the data for the abilities and spells Units use in Battle
- AchievementData.xml - Holds all the achievements values
- ModelData.xml - Holds model informations
- RaceData.xml - Holds data for the 3 races of Starcraft sucha s starting units and loading screens
- RequirementData.xml - Holds data on the requirements needed to perform many actions
- RequirementNodeData.xml - Holds additionaly specifics for requirements
- UnitData.xml - Holds the unit properties
- UpgradeData.xml - Holds the data for Unit upgrades
- WeaponData.xml - Holds data used for weapons such as type and damage
M3 Model Format
Are you interested in how the unit models are done? A documentation of the structure is in the work by Witchsong. It is very similar to War3 and WoW models, the notable change is how they handle decimal values. They are using fixed type instead of the common floating point value. This is most probably due to lower the model size.
Thanks to that, it is possible to make a Model Viewer like the one made by OneClick
Not having useful debug informations is painless, and the galaxy langage is primitive. This is why Remy just came with a solution for these 2 problems: a precompiler. This is a piece of program (currently in beta) that does the following:
- Parse the galaxy files and tell you if there are errors and the type and line of the error
- Add additional syntax elements like new and delete
Player Functions
The Galaxy API allows you to get many useful informations on the players. They are now all blue (red meaning not yet documented).