The Thing

-The Thing- [Revival] by Vicboy

What started as a soon-to-be-dead experimental map in Early 2011 suddenly turned into a Top 50 Played, extremely underdeveloped, map in the Late 2012. (Literally, I just woke up to find out my old map is being played by hundreds)

The game is inspired by two things: A WarCraft III map called Survive the Night by CreativeStrats and the 1982 film: John Carpenter's The Thing.

The game works like this: You start alone in a far away secluded station and one of your crew is a deadly monster disguised as a human. You need to group up to defeat it but you can only communicate to the ones you're near at. So, you have to look around for a team but how do you know the ones you meet are not it? How can you trust him? How can they trust you? There are items scattered around the station to aid you. Arm yourself and kill the Thing before it escapes to Earth.

The video is a fan-made guide to playing as The Thing.



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