Make sure you vote for the clock contest (1-9, 10-18), the results are going to be announced tomorrow.
Kerrigan's Ultimate Wars Arena by Clord
So far, trigger have been mostly used for making non-melee maps. Clord decided to make an AI for his map and, it's really well done. He just made a video with 12 AI playing against each other and the result is pretty epic. Will you manage to beat them? It is fully playable and handle well disconnecting players by giving buildings randomly to allies.
Aura Abilities by Bifuu
If you want to do somewhat advanced editor things, check-out this video tutorial by Bifuu. It explains really well how to create an aura that makes units move faster around you. Video tutorials are really great and doesn't require any particular skill (poor english speaking people like me are welcome too!).
M3 Export Plugin by NiNToxicated
I know I just newsed it yesterday but NiNToxicated just made an update adding support for special material from Starcraft II. He also fixed reported bugs. You can see some more models imported inside the game. Corbo imported a Link and Triceron a Commando :)
LIINK! He come to town! To save the Princess Zelda!
Cool stuff.