Poker Defense, MGS Codec, Update Lib, Blues

Due to the number of submissions in the Blizzard Contest, they will be extending the judging deadline to October 8th. The winners will be announced then... As posted by Bashiok.

Also, congrats to Sixen on being one of the first MVPs, ;).

There was a bug affecting people sharing their password in order to publish cross regions. You could not update a map if your editor locale was not the same as the one that first published the map. However it is now fixed! People can now update their european maps from my account without bothering me now :)

Poker Defense by Zinatic

Having a game based on random is a really scary idea. But Zinatic did not get afraid and worked on Poker Defense. I really like the concept and for once, this is actually fun to play. You can repick cards 3 times so there are great chances to get a nice combination :) The game is released on EU if you want to give it a try.

Tutorial: Metal Gear Solid Codec by Pshyched

I'm a real fan of Metal Gear Solid and when I saw that Pshyched developped the Codec interface on Starcraft 2 I was all excited! He did a full tutorial on how he did it and is providing the map :) [Skip the first 25s of the video they are useless!]

Tutorial: Update Libraries by Doubotis

You probably want to use the Library feature of Starcraft 2 for your triggers, and then release it to the public. However there's a big problem: when you update it, if people use your updated version it'll brake ALL of their triggers. This is really annoying and Doubotis found a quite hacky solution to solve this.

I really hope that we will be able to automate this process in order to make a greater use of libraries :)

Blue Posts

Another round of blue posts. If you have a question do not hesitate to ask it there. If it's good enough i'm pretty sure Blizzard will answer it :)


(Pan) - I got a question that I've been trying to figure out since the beta: does anybody know how to change cliff heights mid-game (triggers, actors, abilities, etc.)?

Changing cliff levels during run-time would require significant changes and we would only add support for this if there was a strong need for it.

(gamecreator) - What's the proper way to load one published map from another after victory?

This is currently not supported, but we are planning on adding features for multi-map campaigns in future patches.

(gamecreator) - I meant to also ask: how do you transfer data between two maps (like which upgrades you took or who lived or died)?

You should be able to use the Bank system to transfer data as long as the maps are published by the same author.

(Mak) - As well, why is it so buggy? It crashes a LOT, and if it doesn't crash, the maps created make SC2 crash.

Please file bug reports for reproducible crashes. Fixing these type of issues is very important to us.

(Tyde) - Is there a way to change the requirements of an ability with triggers? Say the Overlord's Generate Creep ability?

You can't change the requirements directly, but you could create a separate ability and control which was shown on the command card. Requirements have both a Show and Use section, allowing you to set up different conditions for whether it's shown and whether it can be used.



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