HotS Updates

Update #2: For those wondering how publishing maps will work in HotS, take a look at this post.

Sixen Update: If anyone needs to catch up on the lore, I was on a special edition of Up to Speed with Clutch from NASL, I'll link to the VOD as soon as they put it together. In addition, I'll be at the Irvine live event, maybe I'll get some cool stuff to share with you guys!

HotS Updates

As you all probably know, Heart of the Swarm launches this Tuesday, March 12th! The official list of launch times for each region is now available here, so you can see exactly when you can start playing! Blizzard also posted updates regarding the campaign. Kerrigan's leveling system is explained here, and the mutation and evolution system is explained here. Feel free to join the update discussion here. If you haven't seen it already, the HotS launch trailer is below.

With the launch of the game quickly approaching, we'd also like to remind you to keep posts spoiler-free. If you're creating a thread to discuss the story, be sure to place a "[Spoiler]" warning in the title.



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