Projects Marked As Inactive

The automated process which marked out-of-date projects as inactive after 90 days hasn't functioned in a very long time. It has been fixed, but with the un-intended side-effect of marking as inactive every World of Warcraft project which was released during patch 4.0.1 and 4.0.3 - clearly projects that are still compatible (mostly) and relevant during patch 4.0.6.

Kaelten has undertaken the effort of correcting this, and all erroneously affected projects should have their statuses restored.

Keep in mind that when patch 4.1.x hits the live servers that all projects released under the 4.0.x versions will be eligible for the 90-day inactivity rule.

Ackis Edit: If you're having trouble please take a look at:

Sorry for the mistake guys/gals.



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