Battlenet Interview, Legacy Review

Battlenet Press Interview by SCLegacy

Blizzon has been over for several weeks. However SCLegacy has recently released their exclusive press interview about Battlenet. Head over to their Blizzcon 2010 coverage page or discuss them in this thread.

There are 4 parts total and this second part talks about custom map the most :)

Blizzcon Custom Map Review by SCLegacy

Not only providing detailed coverage from blizzcon, we also have 4 detailed reviews of blizzard-made custom map from SCLegacy users playing at blizzcon, from StarJeweled, Left 2 Die to Blizzard Dota :)

Quote from SaharaDrac:

Anyone familiar with the hit game Bejewled or any one of its dozens of impostors will immediately feel right at home in Starjeweled. The basic gameplay involves a grid of jewels, and players must swap one jewel at a time to make a match of three or more in a row, which will cause the matched gems to disappear. Where Starjewled differs from the standard puzzle game genre is that instead of simply earning points, you earn resources. With this simple deviation it adds Tower Defense elements to an already established game type. Resources are used to purchase units that automatically move towards your opponents base, a feature similar to the classic Warcraft 3 Tower Defense map, Wintermaul Wars. The more gems you clear and the more chain reactions you cause, the more resources you earn, and the more resources you have, the more powerful units you can send. However, you must act fast, as your enemy will be sending units to your base simultaneously.


Quote from SaharaDrac:

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Grunty is a Murloc Marine. He is an AGI (agility) carry type hero, with high damage and very low hit points. Think of him as the Stealth Assassin with a ranged attack replacing cloak.

Kerrigan is an AOE spellcaster INT (Intelligence) hero. She can be compared to heroes like Krobelus, Darchow, or Lion from the original DotA.

L80ETC is a short-ranged tank STR (Strength) hero. He is less comparable to DotA heroes, but he has a stun similar to Storm Bolt, a scatter shot like the Dwarven Sniper, and a AOE buff like the Lycanthrope. He also has very high HP.

Leon is a new character, an AGI based Dominion Sniper. He has cloak, long ranged snipe attacks, and can call down Nukes.

Muradin is a carbon copy of the Mountain King from DotA, with an armor passive and a defense buffing AOE Warcry added on.

Raynor is a support INT hero, featuring many buffs and reinforcement abilities, befitting his role as a battlefield leader.

Stitches is another carry over from DotA - Pudge from the original DotA. In addition to Pudge's classic abilities. He also has a powerful new AOE ult and and armor building passive.

Sylvanas is the Dark Ranger from DotA, with added abilities such as a spread shot to make her even more deadly.

Ultimaton the Ultralisk is an interesting tank hero that blends the functionality of the Ultralisk in StarCraft II with abilities such as trample and cleave, and Leoric the Skeleton King from DotA, including Reincarnation.

Vaevictus the Hydralisk combines abilities like Shadowstrike and Poison, like his counterpart the Venomancer, with things like Burrowed Movement and even the activatable Rapid Regeneration, similar to Dr. Mundo's in League of Legends.

Za'Muro is a more enhanced version of DotA's Blademaster. He gains damage from the number of enemies in his area, while maintaining his classic abilities like counter attack and Bladestorm.

Zeratul is an AGI hero similar to the Phantom Lancer. Only better, because he's Zeratul - period.




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