Twitter, Resident Overmind, Mac Launcher, Zergger

Twitter Chat

Blizzard just did a new Twitter Chat and answered Galaxy related questions.


Q. Currently, FPS UMS maps are viable but prevented by lag. Are there any plans to reduce 2.0's minimum latency from 250ms?
A. In the newest patch latency network turns have been reduced to125ms latency. We'd love to see an FPS-like custom map in the beta as soon as publishing is available!

Q. Currently the Map Editor has a small variety of unit/item models for mappers to use. Will there be additions to usable models?
A. Yes. Currently the beta is limited to objects ONLY in the beta, which is a limited number of tilesets and no campaign units or objects. There will be a much larger set of models and assets for mappers to use at launch.

Q: Will be be able to use original units for the map editor before release?
A: No. The beta editor will not include campaign units prior to release.

Q. Getting custom script into maps is currently complex. Are there plans to implement Galaxy scripting directly into the editor?
A. There are currently no plans for Galaxy script editing in the editor itself. However, through the Import Manager it should be pretty easy to add in your scripts as necessary. Are you having trouble doing it that way?

Q: Can you detail how the map publishing feature is going to work?
A: Sure. Map publishing will allow the user to store a few maps or mods associated with their account. You can choose to publish a map privately which will not display the map in the custom game list when you open it up, but you can invite your friends into a game on the map to help you test your map and ideas. Once you decide the map is ready for the rest of the community to play you can publish it publicly and then the map will be available for the rest of the community to see and start playing games with.

Resident Overmind by s3rious

Combine amazing lightning, fantastic ambiance sound, impressive camera movements and superb UI and you get an immersive experience. Just check out the video and see what the editor is capable of when being mastered. If like me you are in love, just try out Resident Overmind by s3rious.

Mac Map Launcher by Motive

The Mac beta started 2 days ago and since the Galaxy Editor is not available on Mac, there was no way to play custom maps yet. Motive released a tool that allows you to play maps both on local and It's really easy to use and should help out all the Mac users out there!

Zergger by IggyHopper

To finish this news, a fun map made by IggyHopper. You have to collect all the yellow spots on the map while sneaking into the crowded place. Test Zergger out :)



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