StarCraft Universe Final Testament by Upheaval Arts
The Upheaval Arts team has been hard at work on some new content that has just been released to the public: a multiplayer end-game boss battle. This marks the first release of SCU multiplayer PvE content and plenty more to come. There's only one week left to help fund the project, so gogogo!
Thanks for the support guys! ... what a month.
New years gamer resolution: try to get back into shape. Funny lol. As for the game, it looks like you guys put a shit ton of work into it. I congratulate. I personally try to be an expert at creating fast but still decent maps, mostly just because I have unlimited ideas and can't concentrate on just any one map haha, but when a maps idea is golden, it's good to continue it.
Just curious, how long has this been in development for now?
Goal met. Congratulations & Well done.
36 hours left... U$78,500.00. Will it fail? Will it succeed? Ohhh the tension of these everlasting moments! XD
The music was quite good; I loved the atmospheric parts, but the delay and clunkiness of 3rd person needs to be fixed by Blizzard.
may we see the code of the body dragging???
i find that cool but id like to see how you guys are making some of these things work
I like the kerrigan zealot hybrid...also seems decent.
Just dont like the lighting. Natural colors are better :(
As Sixen said....Gogogogo! It's so close! :)