Machinima Workshop #2

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<cite>Quote by Gorandor:</cite>

I've decided to just do a little workshop via Livestream & Skype with those that might be interested.

This Workshop will teach you the basics on how to create the scenes for SC2 Machinima in the same way I did with The Hunt For Gabriel Tosh. This will only be about setting up scenes, timing animations, doing camerawork & how to record them. Everything in regards to using Vegas or Adobe Premiere has to be learned somewhere else <span class="emote emote-wink" title="Wink">;)</span>

Also this will not be about SC2 Cinematic you can add to your map, since those require you to do a SHITLOAD of animation work with 3D Studio Max and I'm still checking on that stuff myself. But I'm sure you can use this to make some kind of awesome Trailer for your map to promote on youtube. And as soon as I figure out the rest, I'll show you.

<div style="text-align:center;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto"> <object width="480" height="385"> <param name="movie" value=""> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="385" allowfullscreen="true"> </object> </div>

If you want to participate and have the Galaxy Editor & Skype, post on this thread fast. It is going to be limited to around 10 people <span class="emote emote-smile" title="Smile">:)</span>

The Workshop will start around 9PM GMT+1. So basically in 30min. It will be live-streamed <span class="emote emote-smile" title="Smile">:)</span>



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