Tristram, Item Loots, Terrain Dummies, Nuclear Reaction

Tristram by egodbout

egodbout is working on a Diablo remake called Tristram. It features a character selection, a spell system and a talent tree. More work on it plus a Diablo UI would make it perfect!

Tutorial: Item Loots by OneTwo

A lot of people are wondering how to make items and item loots. OneTwo did a pretty good tutorial explaining all the required steps to make items for your maps.

Tutorial: Terrain for Dummies by Mozared

Like me, you are probably a complete noob at terraining. Mozared wrote a nice tutorial explaining the major steps to make a good terrain: Cliff, Doodads, Textures, Colors, Finitions.

Nuclear Reaction by Luxor0

To finish, a map in the work: Nuclear Reaction by Luxor0. You have to avoid all the incoming nuclear launches. You have to chose between one of the 6 heros, each one having special abilities to make your opponents die first :)



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