
Update: Blizzard has just stated that the patch 1.5 Alpha will be going offline Thursday, May 24th, and that the 1.5 beta will be starting in the "very near future".

Undead by CrazyTwigman and Blooha

Undead is a team-based survival map for up to 8 players, heavily based off the brood war version of the map. This means that, staying true to original, there's no custom UI or complicated systems used. The survivors are a team of players who must hold out against the undead player. The undead player is given a small maze to get out of, which allows time for the survivors to run and hide, and build up their defenses. The Undead player then has to hunt down the Survivors, and bloody battles are sure to ensue as players build up their armies and defenses in an attempt to survive. Games are short and easy to get the hang of for new players. You can visit thier website here or visit the thread here.



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