Kobold Tribes

Blizzard just opened up 12 new mapping forums on the Battle.net SC2 website, be sure to check them out! In addition, for those of you waiting for Blizzard All-Stars, looks like they're hiring for a Lead Designer!

Kobold Tribes by Qancakes

This is a little outdated but certainly worth a feature. Blizzard interview Qancakes about his map, Kobold Tribes, as seen here.


Kobold Tribes is a team-based survival RPG in which two teams of up to five players each command a Kobold unit and work together to defeat the enemy tribe. At the start of each game, the Kobold players find themselves in a forested landscape that must be overcome before the enemy team can be dealt with. Kobolds can cut down trees, hunt wild animals, gather berries, and engage in quests, pooling their resources to build structures, cook food, and arm themselves for the inevitable battle. As time passes, day leads to night, at which point the tribe must stick together near a campfire or freeze.

Feel free to read through the interview (thanks for the shout out!) and/or check out his map! It's in the same format as the good ol' Island Troll Tribes maps that I personally loved.



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