Battle Bot, Metal Slug, Next Tutorial, Sprite

Battle Bots by Beider

Beider is an active tutorial maker (Trigger Debugging, Scrolling List, Tilesets and Water States, ...) and he his working on a map called Battle Bots. In order to win the map you have to program an AI using the ingame scripting language he developped. This is a pretty crazy concept!

Metal Slug Review by Husky

Husky just did a review of the Metal Slug map by ArcadeRenegade. I know I already newsed this map but since 200 000 people viewed the video, you are probably going to want to see it too! If you too are interested in making custom map reviews, feel free to post them on the forums!

Next Tutorial? by ProzaicMuze

ProzaicMuze who wrote some popular tutorials (Beam Effects, Dynamic Beam Chains and Hosting and Site Operations) is looking from your input about what to explain next.

  • Spells (Beginner)
  • Actors (Beginner)
  • Specialized Weapons (Intermediate)
  • Tower Defense Toolkit (Intermediate)
  • Customized Projectiles (Advanced)
  • Vote for the Next Tutorial!

Sprite Engine by rrowland

Last but not least, rrowland is working on a RPG map and wanted to get the look and feel of the old games. He implemented a sprite engine inside Starcraft 2 and it works well.



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