Bejeweled, Survivor, Earth, CardCraft

Bejeweled by Movali

Take a flash game, convert it into a Starcraft 2 map, add multiplayer rules, you've got a fun and successful game. That's the bet Movali did and I'm pretty sure it's going to work out. The map is not finished yet but it looks really promising.

Survivor Cinematic by GnaReffotsirk

Want to see the power of the Galaxy Editor on the cinematic field. This video of GnaReffotsirk is a great example. You are going to watch a (nearly) epic battle between Zealots and ugly zergs!

Earth Terrain by Quartaroy

You are making a Risk map (why not?), and you are much of a trigger guy. You will Quartaroy's project to recreate a detailed earth terrain. In the thread there are also informations about the different techniques to project a sphere (Earth) on a finite 2d plane (a rectangle : the map).

CardCraft Recruit by BeLugh

BeLugh working on an innovative great project: CardCraft is looking for help. In order to make an enjoyable map he needs help with the skills and weapons making via the Data Editor. If you want to get involved, get in touch with him :)



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