World of Starcraft, Videos as Texture, Dota Clip

The Galaxy Editor is not out yet however it is still possible to start working on maps. I will show you different projects that have already been started by the Mapster community.

World of Starcraft by HP-X

You doubt the Starcraft II Data Editor ... See for yourself what you can do: imitate a World of Warcraft inventory system only with XML files, no coding involved! This looks really promising.

Video as Textures by Upcios

Upcios on the french forums realized that there were videos displayed inside the game as textures. Those are private jokes however that means it's possible to do it! That opens interesting possibilities. The small thing is ... we don't know yet how to achieve that effect ...

See the rest of the fake ads on the forums.

New Dota Clip by Basshunter

I'm pretty sure there are fans of Basshunter out there, a swedish that made a song about DOTA. He made another clip for it. I thought it would be worth mentionning :)



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