Clock Result, Mouse Aim, Mojache Trailer

Clock Contest Results

The contest is now over! There has been a total of 267 votes (150 + 117). Thanks a lot for all those who participated, all your maps are really impressive! You should all get your rewards shortly (within 1-2 days max).

  • 11 - Sl1v3r - (9 votes)
  • 12 - TheSecretArts - (8 votes)
  • 12 - decltype - (8 votes)
  • 14 - Magesblood - (6 votes)
  • 14 - Docablo - (6 votes)
  • 16 - SirLyrrad (5 votes)
  • 16 - Khalan3 (5 votes)
  • 18 - ThisIsSpoofed (3 votes)
  • ?? - Kanaru (submitted too late)
  • 1 - DarkRevenantX - (50 votes): 1 Beta Key + 1-year Curse Premium
  • 2 - shaotang - (34 votes): 1-year Curse Premium
  • 3 - Squeegeez - (29 votes): 6-month Curse Premium
  • 4 - SCMapper - (28 votes): 6-month Curse Premium

All the following: 1-month Curse Premium

  • 5 - Sholdak - (21 votes)
  • 6 - Slarti - (20 votes)
  • 7 - Bifuu - (19 votes)
  • 8 - Forsoki - (16 votes)
  • 9 - Listonos - (14 votes)
  • 9 - Skizot - (14 votes)

Winner: DarkRevenantX

Honorable: shaotang and Squeegeez

Tutorial: What's under the mouse by rrowland

Many of you probably want to do a FPS game but are stuck because you have no way to tell what is under the player mouse. rrowland made an excellent and pretty detailed tutorial on how to get the unit you are currently targetting. Thanks iWaNN for the screenshot.

Trailer: Merry Christmas Bravo Two by Mojache

I would like to feature a pretty cool upcoming map made by Mojache and Ziros. It's a multiplayer 2d "plateform" game where you have to jump on different rotating plateforms and kill the incoming ennemies at the same time. The gameplay looks really well done and the video is pretty hilarious. Note that Mojache is also working on a video cartoons serie called Unforgotten Realms. It really worth viewing.



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