Many Hands, Changing Texts, Phantom, Reaver

The WoW Boss Contest is ending tonight. Polish your boss, strip out your map, make the video ... And win :)

Also, Curse won a sexy trophy for the Startup Craft :)

Terrain - Many Hands by Mozared

Mozared latest idea is to make a community based terrain as an exercize. The idea is simple: at the beginning a nearly empty map is submitted, then someone say that he takes the map and has 30 minutes to add things.

In 24 hours there have been 20 successive iterations and the terrain starts looking great :) If you are a complete beginner or an advanced terrainer, you probably want to give it a try!

Changing Texts by progammer

Did you know that you could change all the strings that appear ingame? progammer made a tutorial to tell you how to do it. I am pretty sure some useful things can be done using this.

by Husky

I often news some crazy maps that looks completly different than the normal game. However it's possible to enhance ladder maps using the Galaxy Editor. Here's the map Phantom that is a FFA map with added rules. You've got phantoms, paladins that each have their own roles. And obviously no one knows who's who :)

Sentry Reaver by k10forgotten

The reaver was one really loved unit in Starcraft 1 that didn't make it into Starcraft 2. There have been many attempts to remodel it for Starcraft 2 and here's a new one. A notable fact is that it is a combination of Sentry parts and Colossus Head.



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