Andromeda, Lava, Patch Diff

The Galaxy Editor is not out yet however it is still possible to start working on maps. I will show you different projects that have already been started by the Mapster community.

Andromeda by geX

geX from released the first version of a great project. Andromeda is meant to fill every gap that Galaxy left open and to do its best to make scripting SC2 easier and safer. It is written in Java and the specifications look really appealing!

// Implicit Casting
text t = "a" + "b" + 45 + "c";

// Explicit Casting
fixed f = (int)(fixed)(text)"34.43"

// Function Overloading
string ToString(int i) {...}
string ToString(string s) {...}

// Overriding
override string IntToString(int i){
   return native.IntToString(i * 2);

// Multiple Declaration
int l = 5, m = 6, r, q, t = 7; //Define some of them

// Implicit bracket
if (i == 10) return; else i += 1;

// For loop
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) { ... }

// Enrichment (like classes)
enrich int {
   static int getZero() { return 0; }
   static int MeaningOfLife{ get { return 42; } }
int j = int.getZero(); //Method usage
int k = int.MeaningOfLife; //Accessor usage
Lava by Grum

Are you bored of water and want some real stuff? Blizzard added the ability to use custom models instead of water and provided a sample one: Lava. overload119 from hiveworkshop posted a picture of it and Grum found how to do it. It's really easy as it takes only 3 lines of XML.

Patch 8 Diff by Grum

You can know exactly what changed in the Patch 8 using the git diff by Grum. They moved a lot of strings in the files, they added some icons but nothing fancy.



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