Update: Day[9] and Rob Simpson will be live streaming the 3rd Heart of the Swarm battle report! Make sure to tune in today at 7pm!
Have you seen Blizzard's Official Cutscene Editor Guide yet? If not, definitely check it out, :).
ODS Test by Ookami & DrakenStark
This map is a ground for coding practice. They are working on getting an action RPG set up within SC2. They already have a great shooter set up in SC2 with working headshots, sprint, custom radar (halo esque), classic shooter gametypes like deathmatch with FFA or Teams (aside from the RPG part of the map), and a large map modelled after a site on Mars.
Eventually, they hope to add a custom inventory system with both equipable and usable items. Work is still in progress on getting a medic and two melee classes working. A ranged class is already in place based on the marine.
Game modes can be selected via the in game lobby before being made open to public. CTF is currently broken due to actor based glitches. Deathmatch modes are working perfectly to our knowledge. The RPG mode is, at the time of this posting, a sandbox where you can explore a lush landscape while hunting zerg in the woods.
Looks pretty awesome man, mind sharing the wasd system you build? :]
@Skoite: Go
Thanks, if you want any info on how to make one feel free to ask on the project page. I'm willing to lend a hand for anyone.
@FuzzYD: Go
I haven't noticed any issues with the trees being units. I've already had many multiplayer sessions in the Quest mode and have not encountered any issues. Though just in case, I've just updated the map to remove them if not playing Quest mode.
- Mouse glitch in Quest mode, where it's always showing, has been fixed.
- Another glitch where the minimap system kept thinking there were always 8 players playing has been corrected.
@chaos2night: Go
It's using triggers with dialogs. I've got just two images, one for the basic BG of the radar and another for all the dots. I've got just a white dot fading into transperancy so I can set the color via the SC2 editor. Everything else is just math.
Gotta say thanks to Ookami again for how the BG of the radar turned out.
And here's a little secret; the green dot is actually set to the center of the radar and not to the players unit. The rest of the dots are based on the center of the players camera.
In the video there is mention that all the tree's are units. Wouldn't this cause problems on the larger scale? (I'm under the impression the more units they are, the laggier the map get's)
Dat radar! Good job :D
Awesome work
Currently working on an test FPS myself and i have to ask how did you do that Minimap look and work like a radar??
Is it triggers or is it UI changes.
This would fit very good in my map.
And again Great Work!