Hex'd, Yabot, Crush Company

Hex'd by Qancakes

You've probably played Hex'd on Battle.net, and if you didn't it's time to! The concept is pretty simple: 4 gladiators in an arena, let the best win! The quality of the map comes with how balanced are the spells, only the one with the best micro and best use of the right spell at the right time is going to be first. And, the night play is really good looking with the blue and red spells :)

Yabot by xorpwnz and ScQuebec

Yabot, Yet Another Build Order Tester, is a map that let you train and become expert in your build order. This is the first time I news a tool that helps "normal" Starcraft 2 players. If you want to get better at BO, you should give it a try.

Crush Company by Enclave Studio

Here's a map being made by the team Enclave Studio (Bibendus, kaede89, Utilize123, xavierddr). It's a beat them up map and pretty fun to play. Another game concept added into Starcraft 2 ... It's never going to stop, the game allows endless different gameplays :) It's on Battle.net if you want to give it a try.



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