As promised the system for requesting a Beta key is in place.
If you are an author on, order your key here.
If you are an author on, order your key here.
We'll be getting keys out to people as soon as we can, and just a reminder you must be an active WoW author to receive one of these keys. We'll be manually verifying eligibility as well.
Note: if you see a message about and error when placing your order, please just try again.
Quote from Kaelten's comment:We'll be also tightening up our distribution policies.
Going forward, anyone who wants to sign up for a key must have a certain minimum threshold for the popularity of their addons in order to be approved. We'll be using the same metrics as we do for the rewards program for this, although you don't have to be signed up for the rewards program to be considered.
We are leaving it open to new users, however, by default you'll have to wait until your addon reaches the threshold of popularity before you're eligible. Also, at this point we're leaving the giveaway open to team members on addons, not just the manager.
UPDATE 7-22:
Quote from from Kaelten's comment:I'm about to start sending out the new batch of keys. However, there is currently an issue were EU players cannot redeem them. We've been told that there is a fix coming soon. As soon as I receive word that these work for EU players I'll post another update here.
Update to the update: It turns out that at least some US players are _also_ having the issue redeeming keys. I'm going to keep handing them out though as I've been told that they should work in the near future.
Update 7-23:
Quote:Please be aware that we are having issues with players being able to claim Cataclysm beta keys currently for all regions. We are looking into this issue and will hopefully have a better update before the end of our day today. If you have given keys out to anyone, please have them hold on to them. The keys are not the problem and it seems to be an issue within the system. We’ll let you all know once this issue is resolved.
So the keys are good, we just have to wait it out. Good thing being teased makes it all the better in the end... right?
Thanks for understanding guys, and have a good one.
Update 7-26:
Looks like the keys are working now. Enjoy the beta.
Figured it was worth a shot to see if they could attach the key or maybe have updated info, answer is no until you ask :P and yeah seems there are more issues than just beta keys not working.
If the guys are the same as the blizzard store guys, we could be in for a long wait. The celestial steed is having issues being delivered, people can't buy digital games in general and lil xt has disappeared from the store
You get free keys, don't bother the poor support people. They probably won't fix it over the weekend. Patience :p
And yeah, they updated the page for the SC2 release, which is far more important. ;)
Typical blizzard support staff, tell them about keys from fansites such as curse/wowace for addon developers and inquire about the key issue and they say hurr durr accounts are flagged, there are no keys durp durp durp. Anything else? >.> Its ok though because he 'looked into it'. Sry im raging after holding for 25min hoping to get some new details or something. Also said to check back after 'SC2' launch about site issues are they are preparing for its launch but considering he didn't know about the fansite keys, idk how much weight that holds.
All keys worked til they changed site over. These keys don't have a new format to the ones issued before them. Yet as far as the new site is concerned they are an invalid format. (not a 26 digit key). it's something the web/database crew will have to fix for sure. it's not the wow department, or the SC2 department it's the web/tech guys. and those guys won't prioritize beta keys not working over making sure the site is stable and works for SC2 launch. which is why i again say i highly doubt to see a fix before tuesdays maintenance. And why they made sure they switched site over to 2.0 format so swiftly with limited testing. that just makes the most sense. I highly doubt the web department is devided into teams per game as well so i stand by my logic. Unless that one vigilent guy on his launch break or something cracks the problem and it's a simple one liner fix (these things usually are) then maybe we'll get a nice surprise earlier :).
Not as far as I'm aware. But I do think they require you to have had legit addons here some time before they started sending out keys in the first place.
Have the keys stopped being sent out till blizzard have fixed it?
Again you assume that frontend has something to do with backend...
they rolled out a completely new site. which asside from the HUGE "buy our games" on the homepage, has a pretty nice UI once you're logged in.
I do wonder how hard it can be to fix... it worked just last week, what much could have changed?
Mysticalos, you seem to be under the delusion that blizzard works as one big group, everyone getting sc2 out and such.
Blizzard is made up of multiple large departments, one department working completely and soley on warcraft, one on sc2, one on diablo, one on the secret mmorpg, so on...
The Warcraft team should be working to fix this, which should not be slowed down by the sc2 team working on their release, nor the warehouse blizzard pays to package and ship their game either.
But I do also hope this gets fixed soon!
I don't think the people who are concerned with anything starcraft related are involved with cataclysm beta code issures
at this rate i'm sure they will fix it sometime mid next week after SC2 ships. doubt they are gonna spare the resources to fix beta keys not working when they got bigger concerns
Ohh it would be nice to get an update about now after a long day at work :D
Could not get through on the phone so sent an email yesterday. Still waiting to hear back.
Out of curiosity has anyone tried calling Billing and Account and asked if they can activate it?
i don't like the confidence in this line "We are looking into this issue and will hopefully have a better update before the end of our day today"
it's about as assuring as when they say "well have an update about why realm maintenance is being extended in 1 hour" and in one hour you get another update that says same thing, and that continues for several hours.
Thank you for the update Kaelten! <3
Hey guys, I just got this message
To everyone who's saying "I placed my order, i didn't get one yet"
I placed my order and it was in there for two and a half days before I got my order approved and my key sent to me.
It could be 2-4 days or so, (best guess)... so please be patient and let our awesome admins/moderators work in peace :P
Besides, all current sent keys are bugged, so even if you get a key we have to wait for the bug to get fixed. So no hurry to get yours just yet.