As promised the system for requesting a Beta key is in place.
If you are an author on, order your key here.
If you are an author on, order your key here.
We'll be getting keys out to people as soon as we can, and just a reminder you must be an active WoW author to receive one of these keys. We'll be manually verifying eligibility as well.
Note: if you see a message about and error when placing your order, please just try again.
Quote from Kaelten's comment:We'll be also tightening up our distribution policies.
Going forward, anyone who wants to sign up for a key must have a certain minimum threshold for the popularity of their addons in order to be approved. We'll be using the same metrics as we do for the rewards program for this, although you don't have to be signed up for the rewards program to be considered.
We are leaving it open to new users, however, by default you'll have to wait until your addon reaches the threshold of popularity before you're eligible. Also, at this point we're leaving the giveaway open to team members on addons, not just the manager.
UPDATE 7-22:
Quote from from Kaelten's comment:I'm about to start sending out the new batch of keys. However, there is currently an issue were EU players cannot redeem them. We've been told that there is a fix coming soon. As soon as I receive word that these work for EU players I'll post another update here.
Update to the update: It turns out that at least some US players are _also_ having the issue redeeming keys. I'm going to keep handing them out though as I've been told that they should work in the near future.
Update 7-23:
Quote:Please be aware that we are having issues with players being able to claim Cataclysm beta keys currently for all regions. We are looking into this issue and will hopefully have a better update before the end of our day today. If you have given keys out to anyone, please have them hold on to them. The keys are not the problem and it seems to be an issue within the system. We’ll let you all know once this issue is resolved.
So the keys are good, we just have to wait it out. Good thing being teased makes it all the better in the end... right?
Thanks for understanding guys, and have a good one.
Update 7-26:
Looks like the keys are working now. Enjoy the beta.
thank you very much for that key ;D now i just have to wait til blizz fixes that darn bug...
Great, thanks! :)
Now I just have to wait until Blizzard fixes the bug ;)
@cremor should be a link to your code in that link
My order was set to fulfilled 20 hours ago, but I still haven't got an email (I checked the spam folder too). Help please :)
Same, can't wait for the fix! :) But I agree that i've never seen such a short beta code... I expected it to be longer, or have letters!
To me the post is clear enough. It says there's an issue, that it will be fixed, and that he'll post an update here when it's fixed.
Now we just have to wait. :)
Having received my key this morning, I was a bit stumped with what to do next. I think I am meant to ...
1) Login to 2) Click on Manage Games 3) Click on Add or Upgrade a Game 4) Enter key in box
Now I'm on EU and from what was said in this thread I'm assuming I'm experiencing the bug that is preventing EU keys from working. Am I? Or have I done something wrong?
Perhaps if the above is correct, a post to explain would be useful as I'm sure it will be an FAQ otherwise.
Is there a way to know how far along the line you are at handing out the keys?
Same problem here. US account, invalid code/key. Hopefully blizz will fix soon.
Such a big tease, making us wait :)
@ Lapig - Yes, you need an active subscription.
Is the cataclysm beta only playable when you have an active wow account, or do I need to keep my sub active?
just a thought, but aren't all blizzard game keys 26 chars, the beta keys are 25, the issue in the sites design could simply be the fact that it's looking for a 26 char key sequence. just for testing, i tried adding an extra number ot my beta key and instad of saying it was not a game code, it just said it was a game code but not a valid one...sometimes the simpliest things can be the cause of great bugs. i say blizz techs simply check that the database is allowing for keys that aren't 26 chars.
Did the same as ka1g, now to wait for Blizzard to fix their end. ;-)
They never cease to amaze me in regards to how they break totally (seemingly) unrelated stuff when releasing new things or fixing other bugs. :D
only part of that i'm afraid of is soon™ what a tease blizz of ALL days decides to go to a new untested site design the day they give out keys.
The issue regarding redemption seems to be applying to both US and EU players, the keys should work soon though.
i had same intentions if i did get into WoWI one.
btw at kaelten, I'm on US and i'm getting "This code is not valid. Please verify your code and try again."
I am doing this right?
Go to, first i tried add game, then it said "this isn't a valid game license use item redemption instead" and when i use that it says not valid.
mysticalos, i would hope others would do the as me but for some its just not how they think. I applied for a key at both sites with the intention of using which ever came first and cancelling the other, what would i do with a second beta key anyways? ;p
It turns out that at least some US players are _also_ having the issue redeeming keys. I'm going to keep handing them out though as I've been told that they should work in the near future.
ka1g i just hope everyone is as nice and honest as you. but i suspect a lot of scamming is going on out there to get a key from both. :\ I'm not eligable on wowI since not recognized as an addon author if not a team leader there. they're already out of keys again anyways. Heres hoping i get on here. May not be team leader but (Omega)
Number 1 commiter with only 1 year on project. Just proves sub authors are just as valuable as team leaders :)
I got my code from Wowinterface so I have cancelled my order here so that another lucky soul may have one a bit quicker.
It sucks to have a code and not be able to use it, hopefully they will fix the codes soon!