- Download Starcraft II Maps

Edit: Starcraft II will be released on July 27th, it's official! (Source)

Hey all,

As you probably noticed, sc2mapster is going really well and we are really proud of what you all did so far with the Galaxy Editor. We want to build a strong community of mappers and give you all the resources you need. To achieve that goal we just released a new curse portal for Starcraft II: a fully searchable map database.

You may be confused about why two separate websites. Developers and players do not need the same things.

  • On one side we want map makers to have an efficient environment full of coder things like map repositories, forums were you can talk about techy stuff and so on. This is the goal of sc2mapster.
  • On the other side, players want to see what are the most downloaded maps, and how they are being rated or find a special one. This is going to be on

In order for your map to appear on, you just have to mark your map as "Released", nothing more.

I hope this will help you either find or spread maps! Keep up the good work!



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