Blizzard All-Stars Informational Series

Sure, this is a bit preemptive, as the game is not yet in Beta, but it can't hurt to help hype things up ahead of time. In addition, feel free to use the new Blizzard All-Stars Subforum for speculation on this custom mod, as well as Blizzard's other official custom mods.

BAS Informational Series by Sixen

Over the last few weeks I've done a ton of research (aside from actually sitting in at the BlizzCon panels over the years and playing the game myself) and brushing up on my Blizzard All-Stars knowledge, and finally decided to begin my informational series for the game. I've been playing a lot of DOTA2 recently, which is what sparked my renewed interest in All-Stars.

If you want to learn about Blizzard All-Stars, watch my series! I released the first episode today (9/19) and will be following it up with more episodes I've already planned out, covering known gameplay mechanics, heroes, items, and then of course, some speculation and suggestions.

Feel free to leave feedback in the comments below or in this forum thread.



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