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Q and A = really vauge answers...I'm looking foward to the DOTA models and tileset
Props to rrowland for promoting sc2mapster
(And no that's not sixen, sixen is the old guys asking for multi-map linking :P )
That was so depressingly bad. If only those bastards could ask less pathetic and more trigger related questions.
They sucked big time. The panel should have included Dustin Browder and Rob Pardo like last year.
Nice! Just saw sixen ask a question about locking maps! Nice shoutout. :)
woot, one dude promoted sc2mapster just now, but i forgot his name xDD
Wait! How did Blizzard published a map with "Blizzard" on its title? That's impossible using map editor.
Hehe the Demon Hunter looks sexy - that's totally going to be my main ... wonder what SC2 stuff will be announced.
Hm, DotA made by Blizzard? Wonder if that will catch on with users. Not really a DotA fan myself, but I'm really interested in seeing what the other three custom maps are and if the quality is actually any good.
yeah well does not matter if they count as the big 3 or not, but IF there would be a game - noone of us knows, except for these mmorpg rumors, when would that happen?
Probably a new profession for D3 being revealed. Maybe a Heart of the Swarm trailer?
Are you able to add the Tournament times aswell?
if there is any chance that some new game will be revealed, when would this happen?
or was in the future blizzcon panels an own part for this kind of announcement?
I hope the diablo and sc2 vids are recorded and posted online...I didnt buy a virtual ticket...