Custom Interface, Terrain, Galaxy

The Galaxy Editor is not out yet however it is still possible to start working on maps. I will show you different projects that have already been started by the Mapster community.

Custom Interface by Corbo

Yeah, someone finally edited the user interface files. Corbo was able to move everything around as he wanted. The interface xml files look really familiar from the World of Warcraft ones, therefore if you made addons you won't be lost at all. At the moment, the only unknown is if we can include them inside the map. We tried many different file paths but no one actually worked. Also, we wonder if we can change the viewport for the bottom part to be drawn by 3d.

Terrain Data by Grum

Grum did an amazing job yesterday understanding nearly all the terrain files. The more challenging was the t3TextureMasks. This is an important one because it represents about half of the map size! It stores the visibility of the different textures in the map. Just to give you a little preview of the complexity, he did manage to turn a noisy image to a crystal clear one! ... to ...

Zoxc Galaxy Concerns

Zoxc made a post on the forums where he makes a detailed explanation of all the weak points of Galaxy.

  • Dynamically allocated records
  • Garbage collection
  • Associative arrays
  • Type-safety
  • Opcode limit/execution limit
  • Read the full article ...

And he also made some benchmarks about Galaxy compared to Jass (Warcraft III Map Editor language) and Ruby (considered to be slow). The conclusions are easy to get: Galaxy is better than Jass but still way too slow. Let's hope Blizzard is going to put a real team on the language optimization!



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